Page 14 - WMPF Federation JUNE-JULY 2019-flip_Neat
P. 14

It could run alongside a piece about PTSD – have I sent
                                          you that???
         Peer support                     Trying to get a pic to go with this.

       TRiM: ensuring a consistent

       approach Force-wide

             review of the trauma risk      scene. But this is not the case at all. It usually      “While there was a policy this wasn’t
             management (TRiM) support offered   comes into play some time between 48   aligned across a wider wellbeing strategy
       A to officers and staff and the      hours and a week after the event,” says   and wasn’t clearly understood.,” says
       subsequent identification of a lack of   Lorraine.                       Lorraine, who has worked with senior
       awareness of what it does and doesn’t entail      “Once a TRiM practitioner has spoken to   managers, line managers, TRiM managers
       has led to new policies and procedures being   the individuals involved, they will use their   and practitioners and others – including the
       put in place.                        assessment to generate a score which will   Force chaplains – to help develop clearly
          These will be backed up by the    help identify if further help or a follow-up   defined procedures to ensure there is an
       recruitment and training of more TRiM   will be needed. The process is confidential   over-arching support mechanism for officers
       practitioners, the roll-out of awareness   and details of the sessions are not shared   and staff.
       training sessions and the provision of extra   although a line manager may be made      TRiM should be used, she explains, to
       information on the Force’s wellbeing portal   aware if urgent support is needed.”  identify the need for management support,
       as well as an input to CPD events.      Under Force policies, trauma is defined   encourage a self-referral to the 24/7
          “We have found that the delivery of TRiM   as:                        Employee Assistance Programme or trigger
       support is patchy across the Force. We have   An event which includes exposure to death,   a de-brief session based around
       some pockets of best practice where officers’   threatened death, actual or serious injury or   normalisation which, in turn, will allow
       and staff’s individual needs are being   actual or threatened sexual violence.  individuals to understand if their feelings fit
       identified and met but then we have also      The exposure may occur directly   within the ‘normal’ range given the
       heard of instances where the TRiM processes   (through witnessing the event in person) or   circumstances.
       have just not kicked in,” says Lorraine Horner,   indirectly (learning of a close friend or      There is an in-built acknowledgement
       the Force’s wellbeing manager.       relative’s trauma - this should be a   that the very nature of policing means those
          “There seems to be a lot of mystery   considerably close relationship and the   working in the service will be faced with
       surrounding what TRiM does and doesn’t do   trauma will have linked to an on duty   traumatic situations but with that comes a
       as if it’s some kind of dark art so we want to   incident).              means of supporting those struggling to
       tackle that and also ensure there is a more      However, Lorraine, who took on the   come to terms with what they have seen or
       consistent approach throughout the Force.   wellbeing manager’s position in May this   dealt with.
       We want to give people clear expectations   year after two years as the occupational      “It can involve a potentially challenging
       of what TRiM should deliver.”        health service delivery manager, points out   conversation led by a line manager who will
          TRiM is not intended to be a diagnostic   much depends on the people involved:   be trained to ensure their language is
       tool but should be used to gauge someone’s   “Individuals’ reactions differ so for TRiM it is   appropriate and sensitive and therefore not
       reaction to an incident based on assumed   not only defined by the event but also   adding to the stress of the individual,”
       symptoms of trauma and then review those   defined by the individual. This would be   Lorraine says.
       reactions in the short, medium and long term.  identified at a de-brief with the line manager      “Conversations will be centred around
          The aim is to provide the person involved   having a conversation with the individual.  how can we help them and how they can
       with a means to manage their own reaction      “It is easy to focus on major incidents   help themselves.”
       and understand it in the context of what is   and tragic outcomes but TRiM can be used      The process also involves a period of
       considered normal in the circumstances. It is   for near misses and a collection of smaller   what is termed as ‘watchful waiting’. After a
       not intended to actually provide support or   incidents which have taken a toll on the   period of 28 days from the date of the
       advice but should identify if someone does   member of staff equally as much as in   incident, a psychological screening
       need extra support and signpost where that   response to a major incident.”  questionnaire will be sent to officers and
       may come from.                          A major incident earlier this year   staff affected and this will be used to see if
           “There seems to be a misapprehension   highlighted an inconsistent approach to   any further actions or referrals are required.
       that TRiM is something that is instigated in   TRiM prompting a review of the processes      “We do not want to see anyone slip
       the immediate aftermath of a traumatic   and the subsequent regeneration of the   through any nets,” explains Lorraine,
    “                                                                           helping people who, due to their job, have
       incident with people perhaps rushing to the
                                                                                “Ultimately, wellbeing should be everyone’s
                                                                                job but we do need a formalised process for
                  It is easy to focus on major incidents and tragic
                                                                                been faced with a traumatic situation.”
                  outcomes but TRiM can be used for near misses and
                                                                                   There are currently five TRiM managers

                                                                                across the Force area backed up by a larger
                  a collection of smaller incidents which have taken a
                                                                                team of TRiM practitioners. Refresher
                                                                                courses will be offered and a recruitment
                  toll on the member of staff equally as much as in
                                                                                process will begin with training factoring in
                                                                                the need for those offering the support to
                  response to a major incident.                                 be resilient themselves due to the vicarious
                                                                                trauma they may suffer.
       14      federation June/July 2019                                
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