Page 19 - WMPF Federation JUNE-JULY 2019-flip_Neat
P. 19

“              John has made our           What is multi faith              What do chaplains do?

                  chaplaincy hugely
                                                                               Chaplains try to:
                                                                               l  Pray regularly for the Force in general
                                              Multi faith chaplaincy is available to
                  supportive of the
                                                                                  and for the situations and members of
                                                                                  staff they are involved with
                                              faith, religious tradition or no faith at
                  work of WMP. The            any individual or group regardless of   l  Be available to anyone of any faith or
                                                 It provides a team of people who   none who needs someone to talk to who
                  medal is richly             are committed to working together to   is outside the structures of the Force
                                              offer pastoral and spiritual care and   l  Be an ongoing presence in the
                  deserved and huge           confidential support to those who work   workplace, aware of the stresses and
                                                                                  strains of life in the Force and able to be
                                              within the organisation and to their   a critical friend to individuals and the
                  congratulations to          families. There is also a team of advisers   organisation
                                              from different faiths to help those who   l  Visit, if appropriate, staff who are ill at
                  him.                        need support from a person of their   home or in hospital and provide care to
                                              own faith.                          family and friends
                                                 There are also a number of NPU   l  Provide care for the bereaved and be
                                              chaplains who are recognised within   involved if a member of staff dies
                                              their own faith community, and who   particularly if this is while in service
                                              volunteer their time and efforts to   l  Lead formal religious services as required
       apprentice after leaving school.       support specific NPUs and           by the organisation or individuals.
          But he left that position in 1986 to   departments.
       spend three years to attend theological      The chaplaincy team is committed   How do they do it?
       college and train for the church ministry. His   to building up relationships within the   Each chaplain will develop their own way of
       first church was in Hackney, East London   organisation and to be alongside   working but they will incorporate some, or
       where he was minister from 1989 to 2002   people in both the good, and the not so   all, of the following:
       when he moved to his current church, then   good, times.                l  Loitering with intent – many chaplains
       called Hockley Pentecostal Church.        Their ministry is threefold:     will just drop in, trying to be around at
          His interest in force chaplaincy began in   l  To be a presence that reminds us of   shift change or other times when
       the early ‘90s while he was in London.    our humanity                     officers and staff will be about
          John explains: “It all started back in 1992   l  To be a pastor to assist people in   l  Accompanying officers and staff on their
       when I was invited to a clergy/police     times of need                    duties to understand the stresses
       meeting in Hackney where we could discuss   l  To be a prophet in speaking out   involved in modern day policing
       and tackle together some of the problems in   against real or potential injustice in   l  Attending LPU and departmental
       the area.                                 the structures.                  meetings to understand the issues
          “At that meeting one of the            Each chaplain will do that in their   affecting the day to day and longer term
       superintendents arranged for me to visit the   own way, depending upon their   operations
       local police station and suggested a late   personality, circumstances and how   l  Attending awards ceremonies and other
       evening/early morning tour around the   long they can give to their NPU. The   social events to meet people in a
       streets of Hackney in one of the patrol cars. I   NPU chaplain may be at awards   pleasant setting rather than at a time of
       must admit that I probably learnt more   evenings or be seen out on patrol. They   crisis
       about Hackney and its problems on that   will certainly be available for support in   l  Providing input to training.
       patrol than I had done all the months I had   times of crisis whether that is to an
       previously lived there and worked as a   individual or to the management team.   Find out more
       church minister.                       They will be a confidential listening ear
          “Not only did it prove to be of great   and will accept all confidences without   If you want to contact a chaplain or a multi
       benefit for my own local knowledge, but on   judgment.                  faith adviser, you can contact John Butcher
       that occasion I was able to share with the      Chaplaincy is never a vehicle for   at Lloyd House, on extension 7800 6265 or
       police officers some of the everyday   faith preaching. This is true regardless   email him on
       problems they have to face on the beat. In   of the faith of the chaplain.
       both the patrol car, and in the canteen later
       on in their break, I was able in some small
       way to understand some of the stresses   been asked to see if I would consider being   area and also regularly represented the
       involved in modern day policing.     the police chaplain for the Hackney Police.   Met at national chaplains’ meetings
          “After that initial visit, I wrote a letter to   It wasn’t until later when I had been   where he met the late Bill Hopley who
       the Hackney station saying how much I   appointed that I was told it was the police   was the Force chaplain for West Midlands
       appreciated the time they had given me and   officers I had spent that initial visit with   Police for a number of years.
       the welcome that I had received. The next   who had recommended me to the      Bill encouraged him to continue with
       contact came when I got a phone call from   superintendent.”             the chaplaincy in Birmingham and linked
       one of the superintendents asking if he      Up until the time the family moved to   him with D2 Sutton Coldfield OCU, near
       could come to see me.                Birmingham in 2002, John continued to be   to where John lives, as its voluntary
          “When he came, he said that he had   the chaplain for the police in the Hackney   chaplain.                                                  federation June/July 2019      19
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