Page 22 - WMPF Federation JUNE-JULY 2019-flip_Neat
P. 22
Progress praised
‘Good’ rating for
Force in PEEL
inspection 4
he Force has been rated ‘good’ in its
latest inspection by Her Majesty’s
TInspectorate of Constabulary and
Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).
In 2018/19, the inspectorate adopted
an integrated assessment (IPA) approach to
its existing PEEL (police effectiveness,
efficiency and legitimacy) inspections. This knowledge to inform its future financial and capable police service that is starting
combined into a single inspection the planning and workforce development, to show signs of real strain in some areas.
effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy aspects of which are impressive.” Many of the forces we inspected are in
areas of PEEL. This means it will now assess The Force was praised for upholding an general providing a good service to the
forces against every part of the IPA ethical culture and promoting standards of public, but all are faced with competing
programme each year. professional behaviour but inspectors priorities that if not managed correctly
In a report issued in May, inspectors highlighted issues surrounding the backlog could see this service deteriorate.
reported the Force is: for staff vetting. “Despite these worrying trends, there
l ‘Good’ at effectively reducing crime and In conclusion, Ms Williams said: have been some areas of innovation and
keeping people safe “Overall, I commend West Midlands Police improvement. In particular, we are seeing
l ‘Good’ at operating efficiently and for the progress it has made over the past forces getting better at identifying
providing sustainable services to the year. This gives a good foundation for vulnerability, with officers now having a
public; and continuing improvement in the year ahead.” greater understanding of what to look for
l ‘Good’ in the way it treats the public The Force was one of the first 14 to be to provide the right service. We also found
and its workforce. inspected in the PEEL 2018/2019 several forces developing innovative ways
HM Inspector of Constabulary Wendy inspections with the remaining 29 forces of using technology to better manage the
Williams said: “I am pleased with most due to be inspected in two subsequent demand on their resources.
aspects of West Midlands Police’s groups. “But the forces we inspected are trying
performance in keeping people safe and In a statement issued with the first set to meet ever-more complex and high-risk
reducing crime. I am particularly pleased of inspection reports, HMICFRS found police demand with strained resources. We have
with its efficiency planning. But it needs to forces were generally performing well but previously reported that re-deploying
make improvements in its effectiveness to said the ‘cracks are widening’. neighbourhood officers, often to response,
provide a consistently good service. The inspections revealed a relatively can damage their crime prevention work
“The Force is good at investigating positive picture of performance being and limit their engagement with
crime and tackling serious and organised provided by a service straining under communities. We found that this trend has
crime. However, the Force needs to improve significant pressure with forces being continued over the last year. Most forces
how it protects vulnerable people. It needs affected in different ways across also continue to have a large number of
to be more consistent in the way it neighbourhood policing and investigations vacancies for detectives.”
assesses the risk and responds to through to counter-corruption and He said forces’ methods for managing
vulnerable people.” workforce health and wellbeing. demand were having a knock-on effect in
However, Ms Williams expressed The national report stated: “Given the other areas – including their ability to root
concerns about crime recording and, while current operational and financial context out corruption – and also having a negative
acknowledging improvements had been forces find themselves in, it is not clear for impact on officers’ wellbeing.
made since the last inspection, said ‘much how long they will be able to maintain The inspector concluded: “If these
more’ needs to be done. She also remained their current performance levels. For many trends continue, the service the police
concerned about how the Force responds of the forces inspected in this group, cracks provide is bound to deteriorate. A
to current demand. in the system are widening.” discussion is therefore needed about what
She explained: “That said, the Force has HM Inspector of Constabulary Matt needs to change. There is too big a gap
a comprehensive understanding of its Parr said: “The patterns we are beginning to between what police can do, and what the
future demand. It is using this detailed see emerge paint a picture of a committed public expect of them.”
22 federation June/July 2019