Page 23 - WMPF Federation JUNE-JULY 2019-flip_Neat
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Supporting members
Putting the emphasis
on quality training
he national Federation’s learning and Zuleika attended the initial workplace “As a local chair you are the voice of rank
development team have liaised with reps’ course before going on to be trained to and file officers. You are heavily involved in
Tworkplace representatives and branch deal with equality matters. Ten years ago, she negotiations with senior leaders, presenting
officials across the country to assess training became the equality lead for her local branch evidence and findings in order to illustrate
courses and pinpoint their future needs. and then underwent the course directors’ your case; ultimately acting in the best
And Zuleika Payne, who became a training to become a trainer in equality interests of officers in their endeavours to
member of the Federation’s National Board matters. protect and serve the public,” Zuleika
last September after last year’s elections and “This also afforded the opportunity for explains.
now acts as the learning and development me to be part of the consultation process “I have learnt that if you have a particular
lead, has pledged to ensure the training when the equality training package was interest or inkling in life and opportunities
provided meets the needs of both the designed,” she says. present themselves, then take them! I saw
branches and the wider membership. On becoming the branch vice-chair in the opportunity to become a member of the
“Since taking up the role I have been keen 2011, she completed the media training National Board as one not to be missed.
to help local Branch Councils identify their course in 2012. Her training has also enabled When a further opportunity came to put
training requirements,” says Zuleika, her to deliver courses to other reps within her myself forward for election as the lead for
“Supporting the Branch Councils is key if we region. learning and development, I took that one
are to be successful in our mission to provide Zuleika believes she has received good also.
the most appropriate training. quality training through the Federation: “I “I realise the importance of providing
“We have also consulted with have always maintained that the training I quality training to our reps if they are to be
practitioners as part of our commitment to have received from PFEW has been of an successful and effective when representing
re-designing the courses offered. We are keen incredibly high standard. So much so, it our members. Reps deal with an assortment
to offer quality training packages that are certainly enhanced my knowledge and of issues ranging from health and safety,
current and relevant.” service delivery in my day job, before I became discipline and equality matters.
Zuleika, who has 27 years’ policing service a full-time rep.” “I feel I bring enthusiasm, commitment
including two years as the full-time While enjoying her role within South and creative thinking. I also have a
Federation chair in South Yorkshire, is part of Yorkshire, she has also relished moving onto willingness to learn, share and explore new
the eight-strong learning and development the national stage. ideas but, above all, to do this with humility.”
team at the national Federation
headquarters in Leatherhead.
Their priorities include answering to the Higher level training courses
overall strategy of the Police Federation of
England and Wales (PFEW) and identifying The new training courses being offered will experiencing distress or are vulnerable.
the objectives which will ultimately help the ensure members are supported by more “The whole ethos will be about being
organisation achieve its goals. confident and competent workplace able to provide the right support at the right
Put simply, Zuleika explains: “We need to representatives and branch officials, time.”
address the training needs among our reps in according to the head of the Federation’s The Federation is also broadening the
order to support them in their endeavours to learning and development department. range of training on offer to enable reps to
support rank and file officers.” Mario Manelfi says the reps will also be develop more skills. New courses will include
Her own Federation career began when able to access a wealth of online resources mental health, strategic thinking and having
she was working in the same department as after completing their courses. difficult conversations.
her workplace representative. When they “The reps will have been accredited to a In addition to new courses, and after
retired, she was approached and asked if she higher standard since we are moving from feedback from members, the Federation has
would be interested in the role. Skills for Justice (SFJ) Level 4 to SFJ Level 6/ re-written the conduct and performance
Having previously sought advice and degree level as part of the Federation’s course to make it more relevant to the reps,
been supported by a Federation rep, she – in three-year business strategy,” he explains. and ultimately to the members.
line with many other officers who find “They will have increased their As part of the new training programmes,
themselves in a similar position – saw it as know-how and skill set sooner than Federation staff whose roles involve
an ideal opportunity to give something back previously therefore enabling them to offer supporting the workplace representatives
and help her colleagues. appropriate guidance and support at the and local Branch Council members will also
It was a career choice that, of course, right time for the members. This will be of receive training through job-based
gave her the opportunity to see what the particular benefit when members may be competency development initiatives.
Federation’s training programmes had to
offer. federation June/July 2019 23