Page 110 - 2_Tieng Anh_Cao dang
P. 110


                    My Travel Page                Ho Chi Minh City
            Hi. I’m Maria. I live in              Well, I’m here in Ho Chi Minh
            Australia, but right now I’m          City, which is a big city in the

            travelling in Vietnam.                South. It’s  the most modern
            Welcome to my Page!                   city I’ve ever visited, but it is
                                                  more modern than Lagi town
            Lagi Town                             and there are lots of high

            This is my last day in Lagi           buildings. The air here is quite
            town, Binh Thuan province!            hot and polluted because there
            I’m on the beach now. It is           are too many cars and
            warm and sunny here. There            motorbikes. I guess the people

            was a little rain yesterday, but      here are very outgoing and
            the weather is fine today. I’ll       helpful. This morning a taxi
            be sorry to leave today because  driver helped me to find a
            I’ve really enjoyed my time           cheap hotel near the city

            here. People are more sociable  centre. I realise that things in
            than I’ve expected, so it’s easy  Saigon are more expensive
            for me to make some friends.          than in Lagi town. I’ll have to
            For me, the best things are the       spend my money more

            seafood and the environment –  carefully from now on…
            the food is so delicious and the
            air is fresh. Anyway, this
            afternoon I’m going to take a

            coach to Saigon – the busiest
            city in Vietnam.

            B. Read the page and decide whether the following sentences are True (T), False

            (F) or Not given (NG).
                   1. Maria enjoys the food in Lagi town.
                   2. There is more rain in Lagi town than in Ho Chi Minh City.
                   3. A helpful taxi driver takes Maria to Ho Chi Minh City.

                   4. Saigon is the most modern city that Maria has ever come.
                   5. Things in Lagi town are cheaper than in Ho Chi Minh City.
                   6. The air in Ho Chi Minh City is not as fresh as in Lagi town.
                   7. Maria likes to come back to Lagi town again.

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