Page 122 - 2_Tieng Anh_Cao dang
P. 122
Find someone in your class who…
Questions Your friend’s Notes on their
name answers
1. has just bought a new smart phone.
2. has just joined a social network
3. has just bought something online.
4. has downloaded a game.
5. has never used a social network.
6. has watched movies on a tablet.
7. has played a computer game for a
The Rise of Digital Media
We are driving intelligent cars, conducting business on our smartphones and
connecting ourselves to the Internet.
Back in the day, we could buy physical items with songs and movies on them that
you put into a machine in order to play them on a television. These items still exists,
but they have become obsolete in the world of digital media.
In the early 2000s, CDs and DVDs were the convenient way to build a collection of
music and films. This has all changed with Mp3 players, online services and catch-
up TV on mobile devices. Everything is mobile these days, not just our music and
movies. Moreover, almost everything can be accessed on a mobile device such as a
smartphone or tablet. We use them for music, videos, web browsing, social media,
cameras, gaming and so on. Developments in mobile technology, through better
displays, processors and other technologies, mean that we can do anything.
Applications really do rule the world. Online shopping and holiday booking have
even shifted from desktops to mobile technology.
Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T), False (F)
or Not given (NG).
1. Physical items with songs or movies on them have been outdated.
2. People today find it convenient to build a collection of music and films on
CDs or DVDs.
3. Smartphone is an example of a modern mobile device.
4. A smartphone or tablet cannot be used to take photos.
5. Downloading music and movies is an important function of a mobile device.
6. People can use a smart phone to book a hotel for their holiday.