Page 3 - 2_Tieng Anh_Cao dang
P. 3


                                         Grammar           Vocabulary          Listening            Speaking              Reading           Writing
            Unit 1: Family and  - Be, possessive  - Jobs                    -Listening to      -Talking about         - “My friend       - Writing a
            friends                   adjectives and     (pp.9-10)          people talking     yourself               Minh”              short
            (p.9)                     pronouns           - Common           about              (pp.14-15)             (pp.15-16)         paragraph
                                      (pp.10-11)         verbs and          themselves                                                   about yourself
                                      - Present simple   activities         and their                                                    (p.18)

                                      (pp.16-17)         (p. 16)            families
            Unit 2: Leisure           - Adverbs of       - Sports and       -Listening to      - Interviewing         - “What does       -Writing a
            time                      frequency          activity           people talking     friends about their  she usually do  short
            (p.19)                    (pp. 20-21)        (pp.19-20)         about their        hobbies                on                 paragraph
                                      - Can/ can’t       - Free-time        hobbies (pp.21- (pp.22-23)                Saturdays?”        about
                                      (p. 25)            activities         22)                                       (pp.23-24)         activities you
                                                         (pp. 24-25)                                                                     enjoy (p.26)

            REVIEW & EXPANSION (pp. 27-30)
            Units 1 & 2
            Unit 3: Places            - There is/ there  - Places in a      -Listening to      -Interviewing          -“Da Nang          -Writing a
            (p.31)                    are and            city and           people talking     friends about          city – a worth-    short
                                      prepositions of    common             about their        places (pp. 37-38)  living city in        paragraph

                                      places             adjectives         items in a                                Vietnam”           describing
                                      (pp. 33-35)        (pp. 31-33)        house                                     (pp. 39-40)        your room
                                                         - Things in a      (pp. 35-36)                                                  (p.41)
                                                         (pp. 40-41)

            Unit 4: Food and          - Countable and  - Food and           -Listening to      - Asking friends       -A menu at a       -Writing a
            drink                     uncountable        drink              people talking     about foods  and       restaurant         short

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