Page 6 - 2_Tieng Anh_Cao dang
P. 6

(p.42)   nouns; how   (pp.42-43)   about foods   drinks they buy in  (pp.48-49)   paragraph
 much/ how      and drinks they  the market  (pp.46-  about what
 many (p. 44)      like (p.45)   47)                 your friend

 - Should/                                           should do and
 shouldn’t                                           shouldn’t do to
 (pp.49-50)                                          have good
                                                     health  (p.50)
 REVIEW & EXPANSION (pp.51-53)
 Units 3 & 4
 Unit 5: Special   - Present   - Adjectives of  -Listening to   - Asking friends   -“Tet in   -Writing a

 occasions   continuous   appearance   people talking   about their special  Vietnam”   short
 (p. 54)   (pp.55-56)   (p.54)   about their   days (pp.57-58)   (p. 58)   paragraph
 - Present simple  - Clothes and   activities and  a   about a
 and present   colours (p.60)   Halloween day        festival or
 continuous      (pp.56-57)                          special event
 (p.59)                                              that you want

                                                     to enjoy with
                                                     your family or
                                                     friend. (p.61)
 Unit 6: Vacation   - Past simple of  - Vacation   -Listening to   - Asking friends   “My first trip   Writing a short
 (p.62)   Be and can   activities   people talking   about their last   to Hanoi”   paragraph
 (pp.64-65)   (pp.62-63)   about their   vacations     (p.67)   about your last
 - Past simple –  - Vacation   vacations   (p.66)    vacation (p.71)
 regular verbs   items (p.70)   (p.65)

 REVIEW & EXPANSION (pp.72-78)
 Units 5 & 6
 Unit 7: Activities   - Present   - Daily   - Listening to   - Interviewing   - A letter from  - Writing about

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