Page 3 - Official Diversified Global Summit Prospectus 2020
P. 3


           Join us for the 2020 Diversified Global Summit in Austin, TX—                                 “Diversified’s  clients  are  looking  for  a

           the second of an annual event hosted by Diversified to network,                                global  partner  who  can  meet  all  their
                                                                                                          technology  needs—and  that’s  who  we
           build relationships and work together to make advancements
                                                                                                          aim  to  be.  Just  as  our  name  infers,  we
           in  our  industry.  We  value  the  strong  relationships  we  have                            have  made  strides  to  offer  a  diverse

           built with you, our premiere partners, and are excited to make                                 range  of  technology  solutions  that  help
                                                                                                          our  clients  reach  their  business  objec-
           those relationships even stronger. This must-attend event brings
                                                                                                          tives. We continually strive to be the best
           together  hundreds  of  Diversified  employees  from  sales,                                   and  through  the  hard  work  of  our  tal-

           management  and  technical  operations  for  four  jam-packed                                  ented team, along with the valued part-

           days of technical sessions, networking opportunities, a vendor                                 nerships we have built with our vendors,
                                                                                                          Diversified  has  emerged  as  a  leading
           trade show and tons of fun! Most importantly, it’s all designed
                                                                                                          global technology solutions provider that
           to help accelerate your business with Diversified.                                             delivers exceptional customer service all

                                                                                                          over the world.”
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