Page 5 - Official Diversified Global Summit Prospectus 2020
P. 5

What can you expect? This exclusive four-
                                                                                                           day  event  enables  you  to  strategically  super-
                                                                                                           charge  your  brand  with  the  Diversified  team.

                                                                                                           Meet  more  than  500  of  our  top  employees,

                                                                                                           who  sell  and  implement  your  products  every
                                                                                                           day and learn how Diversified plans to continue
                                                                                                           its growth trajectory—all in a beautiful setting!

                                                                                                           Not to worry, it won’t be all work and no play!
                                                                                                           We'll also have fun and enjoy our time together,
                                                                                                           strengthening the relationships that will drive

                                                                                                           our business throughout 2020 and beyond.

                                                 What will the weather be like?

                                                 Austin’s  temps  in  October  average  with  highs

                                                 in the mid 80s and lows in the 60s.
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