Page 2 - Microbiology in workplace
P. 2
GMP Training – Microbiology in the Workplace by
Training Outcome of the Module:
Micro-organisms are a group of organisms that include bacteria, moulds, yeasts,
and viruses. They are also very adaptable and can live and multiply in conditions
other living things cannot survive in. Micro-organisms are also naturally all
around us in the environmental air, on our skin, within row materials and water,
on packaging, and on production equipment.
Microbiology is the scientific study of microscopic organisms, often called "micro-
organisms" or "microbes". Although micro-organisms are small, the mass of
microbial life on earth is 25 times greater than the total mass of animals. The
external surfaces of all animals and plants are covered with micro-organisms,
not to mention animals' internal surfaces. The human body contains about 100
trillion microorganisms.
This module introduces you to the world of micro-organisms and the potentially
bad effects they can have on the products you help to manufacture. The module
also introduces you to the methods needed to control micro-organisms.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Describe what types of micro-organisms may be found in pharmaceutical
products, water, and the environment
Identify the major sources of microbial contamination and what is considered
to be "objectionable"
Identify microbial contamination problems in the workplace
Identify procedures to reduce the chance of microbial contamination
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