Page 7 - Microbiology in workplace
P. 7
GMP Training – Microbiology in the Workplace by
Cell structure (bacteria only)
Bacteria are microscopic, and range in size from 0.5 microns to 10 microns,
measured across. Fungi can be microscopic as well (e.g. moulds and yeasts), but
can also be macroscopic (e.g. mushrooms).
Note: 1000 microns is equal to 1 millimeter. The thickness of human hair can be
between 40-300 microns.
Streptococci Shigella (causes E. coli
075-1.25 microns dysentery) 2-3 microns 1.1-1.5 microns x 2-6
Structure and shape
Bacteria come in many shapes, but the most common are rods (bacilli), spheres
(cocci), and spirals (spirilla).
Bacilli Cocci Spirilla
E. coli, Clostridium Staphylococcus (e.g. S. Spirochete (causes
botulinum aureus). syphilis)
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