Page 41 - QA and QC
P. 41

GMP Training – Quality Assurance and Quality Control by

                                                 Many  test  methods  require  sample  preparation
                                                 before  the  test  is  run.  The  test  method  should
                                                 describe exactly how the sample is prepared. This

                                                  may  involve  simple  dilution  or  more  complex
                                                 extraction and manipulation. Always refer to the
                                                 current test method before setting up the sample.

                                                 Once the sample is prepared, it is included in the
                                                 test run. Care must be taken to ensure that the
                                                 sample is not degraded, e.g. by spillage, exposure
                                                 to atmosphere, or temperature degradation on the
                                                 bench. Always refer to the current test method for

                                                  instructions and how to protect the sample during
                                                 testing.  Concurrent  with  testing  the  sample,
                                                 analysts should ensure that the instrument or a
                                                 logbook records the sample number, and it traced
                                                 exactly to the test result.

                                                 For instrumental runs such as HPLC/GC, the test
                                                 method  usually  includes  a  verification  that  the
                                                 entire    instrumental       system      is   performing

                                                 satisfactorily on the day of the run. This is called
                                                 "system       suitability    testing"     (SST).     Non-
                                                  instrumental methods may also include control or

                                                 equivalent verification systems. The test methods
                                                 should describe how the integrity of particular test
                                                 runs is verified.

                                                 Once  the  sample  has  been  run,  either  the
                                                 instrument  or  the  analyst  will  perform  a
                                                 calculation to arrive of a result. It is essential to
                                                  double  check  all  calculations  before  finalizing

                                                 sample results.

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