Page 6 - Bath City v Winchester City - Saturday 3 October - FA Cup
P. 6


                                Twerton, and the fact the lower   with hoardings, advertising and
                                leagues are allowed up to 600,   sponsorship.
                                it looks unlikely we will welcome   Off the pitch we have been able to
                                back supporters in the near future,   carry on helping some of the less
                                as the risk of Covid spreading   advantaged around Twerton and
                                more widely rises again. In the   some of our own supporters who
                                short term we hope to have   have struggled. The Bath City FC
                                streaming options in place to   Foundation also continues to do
                                allow those not here to watch the   their great work in the community,
                                games, but we all know that isn’t   especially with children and
                                the same as being here.  We are   younger people.
                                fundamentally sociable “animals”
                                and being part of a group or team   The redevelopment project hasn’t
                                is part of our DNA, but we must   gone away either, although we are
                                also be patient and think of the   temporarily on hold. Greenacre
                                bigger issue.            agreed not to appeal against the
                                                         planning decision and are working
                                Jerry, Jim and the other coaches   closely with the planners on
                                have been very busy recruiting   changes to the original design. We
                                and preparing for the new season   will become part of that process
                                since the playoff game and I think   again soon, and had already come
      A very warm welcome to those   we are now in a good shape. Our   up with a slightly smaller, simpler
      visitors from Winchester allowed in   target top three this year and to   draft design for the Club’s part of
      today!  A strange start compared   go as far as we can in the cups.   the project. We are due an update
      to the normal opening sentence   The squad is a blend of youth   soon and we will share what
      here, but these are strange times as   and experience and the character   we can as soon as possible, but
      we now know all too well.   and culture of the group is also   there is no date yet set for another
      These are exceptional     so important, something Jerry has   planning application.
      circumstances but hopefully by the   been really keen on since his return   Enjoy the game either virtually or
      time you read this we will know   to Twerton.         in person and practise cheering
      more definitely the details of a   Thanks must go to a small core   loudly even if you aren’t here!
      likely funding support package   of volunteers on the Board and
      for The National League.  Unless   beyond who have kept the Club   Yours,
      we are able to start the League   going through these tough times.   NICK BLOFELD
      knowing we will be able to finish it   Without their dedication and
      the competition loses its credibility   commitment we could well have
      and whole league structure is   lost our way in the complicated
      called into doubt. But as I write we   details of furlough and cost control.
      are pretty confident something is   And of course a huge thank you
      being put in place to give us the   again for the unprecedented level
      financial lifeline needed without   of financial help from supporters
      spectators being allowed into   in the Crowdfunding. Although
      grounds.                  not all used in the way originally
      It is a complex issue and despite   intended, those funds gave us
      a lot of work having gone into   an ability to plan a little further
      planning a Covid-safe ground for   ahead. Another thank you to all the
      c1000-1600 supporters here at   companies that entered the Shirt
                                Sponsor Draw or who support us

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