Page 6 - Bath City v Billericay Town - Saturday 10 October - VNLS
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and access to the pitch from all happy association with them, and
directions! trust that you will be able to return
To provide some background to at some point during the season
the workings of the Club during to give them the proper Bath City
lockdown and beyond, I must welcome.
thank our staff for agreeing to Sadly, we have lost some
be furloughed and accepting a wonderful supporters in Dave
reduction in their wages. The place Mann, Marg Helps, Sean Kitson,
seemed eerie at times with just Dave Gane, Sue Skinner and
Shane and myself on site to ensure young academy player Ben
that we ticked over and everything Saunders since we were all
was safe and secure. together at Twerton Park and we
With uncertainty over if and when will remember them when we are
financial support would arrive, all back in the stadium.
our review of the finances showed
we could survive until the end of PAUL WILLIAMS
June with our own resources but
the picture thereafter was unclear.
Everything that could be claimed
was claimed and we met our
Good afternoon and we extend commitments to our suppliers, many
a warm welcome to the players of whom are long term partners
and officials of Billericay Town to and were struggling too.
Twerton Park and wish them a safe
journey home after the game. As with many businesses, we
would not have survived without
My last programme notes were the Government funding both the
for the visit of Weymouth, back in hospitality industry grant and job
March, which turned out to be our retention scheme. Coupled with
last home match in the 2019/20 Football Foundation grants funded
league season. How much has by the Premier League, these
changed from that day. have helped to fund expenditure
Apart from the build up to the when we have received little direct
play-off match versus Dorking, income from our usual operations.
football has been secondary during In addition, our supporters have
the long summer, as we have been truly generous in donations,
adapted to the change in working purchasing season tickets and on-
and social practices. Now we line merchandise sales. It just shows
are back playing football but it is how special this Club is to us all
not as we knew it. Red zones for and we will survive and continue
players, match officials and football our long and proud history.
staff, amber zones for club officials
and media and never the twain We had to plan and prepare for a
shall meet. The T R Hayes Lounge season that would start and build
adapted as the home dressing a new playing squad with several
room, the J Reynolds Lounge the departures from last season. We
match officials’ changing room welcome all of the new players and
staff to the Club and hope for a