Page 4 - Magazine - 13 Version.cdr
P. 4


                         Takeo Takakura
                         Vice President, MPW-IND

            It has already been prac ced in a construc on site, but this  me I would like to introduce KY ac vi es that are
            generally carried out in Japan. This is a common ac vity not only in construc on site but also in office.
            KY is an abbrevia on in Japanese and is K for danger (KIKEN) and Y for forecas ng (YOCHI).
            A lot of incidents are caused by human error.  In order to eliminate this human error incident, it is first necessary to
            take measures for things such as machines and equipment, and management measures such as knowledge and skill
            training for safety and security. And in addi on, it is impera ve that each individual be more sensi ve to danger and
            focus more at key points of ac on. KY ac vity is an ac vity for these.
            Predic ng dangers and discussing “safety and health foreseen” To prevent occupa onal incidents, discuss with
            everyone in the workplace (teamwork) before causing an incident and regre ng it, predic ng dangers and “safety
            and health” It is important to "pre-empt".
            First, before star ng a job, discuss "what kind of danger is hidden in the job" at the workplace, and agree on the
            points of danger with "this is dangerous".
            Next, measures are decided, ac on goals and poin ng and calling items are decided, each person confirms by
            poin ng and calling in the work, and danger is prevented before taking ac on. This process is KY ac vity.  Every
            human being is "inadvertently", "dimly", and has an hallucina on. Someone does it walk to shortcut and omissions.
            Such human behavioural characteris cs cause unsafe behaviour (human error) such as incorrect movement, which
            causes incidents.
            Most incidents are unsafe behaviour (human error). following 1 and 2  close more than 95% of incident.
            1, Caused by unsafe behaviour of people such as running in a hurry
            2, Caused by both unsafe behaviour and unsafe condi ons such as the floor remaining wet.
            It is KY ac vity to think about and understand the cause of human error and why it occurred. We shall discuss
            problems together, create countermeasures and ac on goals, and put them into prac ce. These are KY ac vi es.
            Please prac ce in the office.

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