Page 9 - February 2023 Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 9

" S T A R T I N G   I S   F U N

         B U T   T H E   F U T U R E

         B E L O N G S   T O   T H E

         F I N I S H E R S "               Mcrae Patterson

       Howdy! My name is Abbie Cox and I'm currently Serving

      as one of your Parker County 4-H Ambassadors. I enter
      my final semester of high school, I am beyond excited to
      take the next step in life. However, it's becoming that
      time of year where everything goes by fast and many of
      us (including myself) may want to be “done”. As I find
      myself wanting to be finished with everything I keep in

      mind a quote Mcrae Patterson said “Starting is fun but
      the future belongs to finishers” Today I am going to
      share with you a few tips to continue to finish strong this
      school year.

       Just like anything in life, you control it by your attitude.
      A poor attitude can lead to a bad day or outcome. So

      first adjust your attitude. I know it can be frustrating
      when something isn't the way you wanted it to be , or
      schedules may be stressful. However bringing constant
      negative energy to the problem, is not adding any

       Organization. A twelve letter word that can get really
      messy. Staying organized is crucial to managing a busy         Lastly, remember how hard you have already
      spring. When your material items are organized and your       worked. Take a step back and notice how much
      priorities are straight, it allows us to think more clearly   you've accomplished. It's okay to be proud of
      and perform to the best of our ability.   Nothing is more     yourself, but continue to keep working hard. I
      rewarding than being able to mark off a goal on a list. So    know by doing these things you may still find
      remember to set goals! When setting goals it's good to        yourself stressed and overwhelmed, and that's

      dream big and have a huge goal, however it's just as          okay! I hope that I was able to share some
      important to set daily ones too. Even if it's as simple as    valuable tips to help you finish strong for this
      getting outside more, reading a few pages of a book, or       final stretch!
      finishing homework before the day of. Find something
      small that brings joy to you.
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