Page 24 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection February 2022
P. 24

Don't Put the Cart Before the Horse in Your

                                   4-H Livestock Project

     We are gearing up for the Parker County Livestock Show in June  Do you have the proper facilities to house the project - show
     and I wanted to offer some words of wisdom to you all in regards  animals are cared for differently than commercial animals.
     to your livestock projects...Don't put the cart before the horse.  I've   You need to have access to the proper facilities.
     seen a lot over my 14 years in Extension and one common theme   Can you afford the project - Let's just be real...showing is
     that arises every year is a 4-H'er biting off more than they can  expensive, no matter the species.  The cost associated with a
     chew when it comes to a livestock project.  If you are new to 4-H  project, isn't just the purchase price of the project.  You'll
     or are an existing 4-H member that wants to dabble in a new  need to  purchase show supplies, feed, and heath care items.
     project area please keep the following in mind:              Even if you have a scramble certificate, it is very hard to find

                                                                  a show quality animal for that certificate amount these days.
         You are the one making the decision to take on a new project,  Do you have a mentor that could help you in your project
         it is your responsibility -  I can provide you with educational  area - yes we do have volunteer leaders that are happy to
         resources and can refer you to volunteers that can help on
         occasion, but this project is YOUR responsibility.       help when they can, but you also need to be real with your
         Do you have a way to transport the animal - No matter the  expectations.  These are VOLUNTEER leaders and there is no
         species, there will be a time that you will need to transport  way they can tell you everything they know at a Saturday
         your animal.  Do you have a reliable way of getting your  clinic.  They also have their own projects they are caring for.
         animal where it needs to be especially in an emergency   An involved breeder is the way to go.  No one knows their
         situation.  If the answer is no, don't get that project.   animals better and your success in the show ring reflects
                                                                  positively on them.

                                                                          23 PARKER COUNTY 4-H CONNECTION / FEB
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