Page 15 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection September 2021
P. 15
4 - H F O O D A N D N U T R I T I O N
Shrimp are not only low in calories, but they are rich in
protein. Just 3 ounces of shrimp provide 20 grams of
protein, nearly equivalent to the protein quality of 3
ounces of chicken. You can also check off attaining key
minerals and vitamins off the list. In a 4 ounce serving you
receive 100% of the daily value of selenium, 30% of
vitamin B12, 50% of phosphorus, and 30% choline, copper,
and iodine. Shrimp is all around a very healthy product
with many key nutrients, and the best part about shrimp is
that it adds a different flavor to your balanced diet.
Not only are shrimp a great addition to any diet, they
provide other products. The shells of crustaceans contain
three primary chemicals that have many uses. Protein is
used for animal feeds and fertilizer. The calcium carbonate
found in shrimp is used in the pharmaceutical, agricultural,
construction and even paper industry. Chitin is a nitrogen-
USDA MyPlate recommends 5-6 ounces of lean protein per
day; shrimp fits this plan. It is also a great source of protein, rich chemical used in making different items including
selenium, vitamin B12, copper, and iodine. The American cosmetics, textiles, household cleaners and skin-friendly
Heart Association recommends including shrimp in a heart- soaps.
healthy diet due to its lack of saturated fats and supply of
beneficial essential omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to being a healthy and tasty protein source,
shrimp are a vital part of the Texas economy. On average
the Texas shrimp harvest generates $371 million of
Why You Should Add Shrimp to Your economic activity and supports 5,400 jobs in Texas. Next
Diet time you’re looking for a protein source for your healthy
and balanced diet add in some shrimp!
Path to the Plate
Cory Ritter, December 4, 2018
Seafood is a wise choice when deciding what you are going
to eat for the day. Shrimp is by far the highest consumed
type of seafood than any other. It’s popular and it’s healthy.
The fat in fish and shellfish, such as shrimp, are oils. The
2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage the
consumption of this type of fat because it may reduce the
risk of heart disease and strokes.
Shrimp along with other shellfish will provide a high
amount of unsaturated fat. This includes omega-3 fatty
acids which reduce blood pressure giving you two
important nutritional benefits: “heart healthy” and low
caloric intake. The fatty acids in shrimp provide calories to
your body which then converts them to energy to perform
many functions associated with your heart, blood vessels,
lungs, and immune system. A medium shrimp is only 7
calories and 12 medium shrimp are a little over 85 calories.
Don’t think that will fill you up? A jumbo shrimp is 14
calories and three of them are only 42 calories.
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