Page 5 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection September 2021
P. 5
A Word
from Kayla
To my 4-H'ers that have graduated...
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be part of your
I just wanted to give a shout out to a very special group of young people that will
not be returning as 4-H'ers for this 21-22 year. I want to express my gratitude again
for participating in Parker Co. 4-H and letting me be part of your lives. I am proud of
you all.
Jacalynn, you are known by most in the cattle ring, but I grew to know you in the
horse show arena and will never forget the time we spent preparing for shows. You
and I share a heart for horses and that is very special to me. You are a strong and
kind young woman.
Conner, you turned me into the crazy chicken lady. You however, claim I was
already crazy and just introduced me to chickens; we're just going to have to agree
to disagree on that. Your "now we're cooking with peanut oil" will remain with me
forever and you sir, are one of the hardest workers I've ever met in my life. I will
miss your tremendous energy and your willingness to help all.
Mariah, I wish we would've had more years together. I have greatly enjoyed the
time spent since y'all moved here. You're quick witted and smart and I love the
"Bless your Heart" sass you can throw in when warranted. Your commitment to your
jobs is unlike anything I've seen in a young person.
Hallie, I really got to know you at a certain Fort Worth Stock Show, you know the
one. Your older sister had captured the attention of your family at the moment
(dang that Peyton, showing your goat!) but you still had showmanship and that's
where I believe, we really started our relationship. You totally got her got
to show sheep at majors! You are fierce my friend and you give the best hugs (and
this is coming from a person that doesn't like hugs).
and Maddie...the quiet one, that's really not that quiet. I can say this now, because
y'all are no longer my 4-H'ers but I always thought that you and Conner would make
a cute couple. Am I right Parker Co. 4-H? I know I'm not the only one that thought
it! You don't like the spotlight but you are a tremendously hard worker and you earn
that light that shines on you. I could also count on you to add a bit of sarcasm to
the mix with a nicely placed "that went well". You keep it real my friend, and you
taught us all, that in a bind, a blower works well when you need to dry your arm pits
before you go in the show ring.
I wish you all the very best!!!
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