Page 6 - Parker Co. 4-H Connection September 2021
P. 6
Parker Co 4-H
Cash for Clovers
Scholarship Recipients
The Parker County 4-H Parent Leader’s Association Scholarship
was established by the parents and leaders of Parker County 7
years ago as a way to reward outstanding commitment,
dedication and positive role models of our youth program.
These scholarships may be used by recipients
planning to attend university, community college, trade school
or technical school. We are so very pleased to announce that
$19,000 was awarded by the Parker County 4-H Parent Leader’s
Association to 3 deserving 4-H’ers.
4-H’ers must work hard to receive these scholarships. Countless
hours go into planning our annual Parker County 4-H Cash for
Clovers Scholarship Fundraiser, and the generous donations and
support received from our Parker County residents make us
take these scholarships very seriously. You are not going to
receive a scholarship just because you are a member of Parker
County 4-H; you’re going to receive a scholarship because you
are a member of Parker County 4-H that has exhibited
outstanding commitment, outstanding dedication, and has
worked hard to be a positive role model for not only club
members, for everyone.
Parker County 4-H could not award scholarships at this level
without the support of our local businesses and community
members and we are so very grateful for you all. I can assure
everyone that has supported the Parker County 4-H program
scholarship efforts, that these young people are
tremendous leaders and will do great things. It has been a great
privilege serving as their County Extension Agent.
Conner Cowdrey
$8,000.00 Scholarship Recipient
Texas Tech University, Animal Science Major, Business Minor
Hallie Thomas
$6,000.00 Scholarship Recipient
Tarleton State University, Agricultural Communications Major
Mariah Mae Dyson
$5,000.00 Scholarship Recipient
West Texas A&M University, Ag Business and Economics Major
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