Page 12 - May 2021 Newsletter
P. 12

4 - H   H O R S E   P R O J E C T
     Disease Vectors

     Here are some of the conditions flies cause and diseases they transmit:

     Summer sores
     Houseflies, face flies and stable flies transfer parasitic nematode larvae (e.g., Habronema species) to moist areas around the eyes, nostrils, mouth,
     genitalia and wounds. The larvae can't complete their life cycle in these tissues and incite a hypersensitivity reaction, resulting in chronic non-healing
     Face flies transmit Thelazia lacrymalis, a nematode worm that resides in eye glands and ducts, resulting in irritation and secondary infection.
     Pigeon fever
     Houseflies, stable flies and horn flies can spread the bacterium Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, the causative agent of pigeon fever. Infection most
     commonly leads to external abscesses, though some horses develop more serious forms including internal abscesses and ulcerative lymphangitis
     (infection of the limb).

     Equine infectious anemia virus
     Horseflies and deerflies use their large piercing mouth parts to transmit the often-fatal virus from one horse to another.

     Biting flies and gnats can induce hives, intense itching, hair loss, skin thickening, excoriations (abrasions) and skin ulceration that can predispose to
     secondary skin infection.
     Culicoides species are the intermediate host for the nematode parasite Onchocerca cervicalis. The immature forms (microfilariae) of this worm are found in
     horses' skin (often at the midline of the abdomen); adults reside in the nuchal ligament of the neck. The microfilariae cause skin irritation that results in
     scales, crusts, ulceration, hair loss and skin pigmentation loss.

     Fly Control Methods

     Proper sanitation and manure management are the most effective fly control methods. Simply remove breeding ground, and they won't proliferate. Here
     are some ways to do this:

       Quickly remove manure, excess feed, wet straw/hay and other organic debris.
       Close garbage containers tightly, and clean them regularly.

       Locate manure sites as far from stables as possible, or move them off property. Flies can travel miles to find your horse.

       Move round bales regularly, and clean the feeding area.
       Modify paddocks, stalls and watering systems to avoid water accumulation.

       Cover composted manure with a fly barrier such as plastic.

       Spread manure thinly on non-grazing pastures to facilitate rapid drying.
       Mow, because flies often rest in shady areas of vegetation.

       Place fly spray systems, fly traps (insecticide baits, pheromone lure or sugar lure) or resin "ribbons" in the barn, and apply insecticides (pyrethrin,
       permethrin) to surfaces where flies rest.

       Release fly predators. These wasps lay their eggs in fly pupae, then kill the developing fly larvae. Removing manure and using insecticide, however, will
       also adversely affect these beneficial insects.                                       Equine Care and Career
       Feed insect growth regulators to horses daily or every other day. Treat all horses on the property for maximum efficacy.
                                                                                          Outlaw Equine Rehabilitation
       Use horse protection, such as fly masks, sheets and boots; strong fans; and fly repellent sprays and spot-on treatments.

     Contact your local extension agent for advice on controlling the fly species you're struggling with around your barn.  RSVP is Required
                                                                                                 Click to RSVP
     Article provided courtesy of AAEP Media Partner, The Horse.

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