Page 21 - 2024-2025 Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 21
During Duds to Dazzle, teams of 3 to 5
receive textiles and each team has 60
minutes to create a new product using
item from the supply closet. Each team
provides their own supply kit (Supply kit
list found in Duds to Dazzle guide). The
teams then present their item to a team
of judges. You may also be tested on what
you have learned about how the clothing
& textile industry impacts the
environment, specifically the waste
The Texas 4-H Dog Show has been a great STORYBOARD
success for 40 years! Competitors from
all over the state, ranging in age from 8 The 4-H Storyboard is an industry-
to 18. All breeds, including mixed, are inspired method of displaying original
welcome to compete after they have met designs. The storyboard “tells the story”
the minimum requirements. Dog and 4-H of the designer’s idea. The storyboard
member teams can compete in five includes original illustrations, flats, and
different classes, such as: obedience or more to promote the design. Now an
rally, conformation, showmanship, drill Invitational contest for Senior members!
team, and/or costume.
The Texas 4-H Photography Contest encourages
self-expression and allows youth to demonstrate
The Fashion Show provides opportunities skills learned in the area of photography,
for 4-H members to demonstrate what including the use of photographic equipment and
they have learned about good grooming, process of photographs.
poise, fashion interpretation, and
understanding or style. Clothing and The Texas 4-H Photography Judging contest
Textiles participants may choose to allows 4-H members to demonstrate skills in the
concentrate on clothing construction or evaluation, selection, and placing of photographs
buying. They will have the opportunity to based on industry standards and expectations. The
model these garments at the Parker 4-H members participating in the contest will
County 4-H Fashion Show in March. The judge six classes of photographs and two classes
District Fashion Show is held in April and of problems, testing both the participant’s
the State 4-H Fashion Show is in June. knowledge and skills in the photography project.