Page 4 - 2021 November PC 4-H Connection
P. 4

By: Kayla Neill, County Extension Agent,

      4-H and Youth Development

      The holiday season is always a time of reflection for me.  As the end of the year nears, I become reminiscent of

      the 4-H'ers that have graduated, the exciting things that have happened throughout the year(s), and more
      recently, how quickly my son is growing and that he's not that little bitty baby anymore.  I'll admit sometimes

      it makes me a little sad, but for the most part, I realize how fortunate I am.

      I work with some of the most incredible young people and adults.  People that volunteer their time for the

      betterment of others.  For that, Parker County 4-H, I am thankful.  I am thankful for each and every one of you.

      Collectively, you all make this program what it is, and I believe we have a pretty great program.   I am thankful
      for the opportunity to work with you all.

      As always, if you ever have any questions, we are only a phone call away 817.598.6172.

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