Page 6 - 2021 November PC 4-H Connection
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                  L E A D E R S H I P   C A M P   P R O G R A M

          $ 1 5 0   R E I M B U R S E M E N T   F O R   4 - H   C A M P S   A N D   R E T R E A T S

                     WHO: PARKER CO. 4-H MEMBERS
                                      IN GOOD STANDING                Junior Leadership Retreat
                                                                      WHEN: DEADLINES
                                   - Attend 2 Club Meetings           November 12,13, 14
          - Club manager reference signature completed                Scholarship Application Deadline:
                                 and submitted with essay             October 29

                    WHAT: APPLICATION AND ESSAY                       Teen Retreat
                                                                      January 7, 8, 9
        - Complete an application. Available at the office
                                                                      Scholarship Application Deadline:
                                          or the link below.          December 6
               - Write an essay. 12 point font and double
                                                                      Teen Leader Lab
              spaced.  Essay should be a minimum of 500
                                                                      Dates TBD
        words-maximum 700 words and answer one of 2                   Scholarship Application Deadline:
                                     questions, choose one:           May 2

        1. What makes you a good leader?
                                                                      County Camp 1
        2. Why  do  you  want  to  attend  4-H  leadership
                                                                      June 30- July 1, 2
          camp/retreat?                                               Scholarship Application Deadline:
         - Turn in the application and essay in person at             May 2

                            the 4-H office by the deadline
                                                                      A committee of two PLA members (non-parent) will
                                                                    read your application and essay and make 2 selections
                                                                      per camp/retreat. You will be informed via email of
                                                                    your award. You will also be informed via email if you
                                                                      did not receive the award. PLA will reimburse the
                                                                        registration fee after you have completed the
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