Page 28 - October 2022
P. 28



         Interest Survey

         If you attended the September, Equine
         Care and Career Exploration meeting, you
         had the opportunity to meet Lisa Keefe,
         one of our new (to Parker Co. 4-H, but not
         new to the 4-H horse project) horse
         project volunteers.  Lisa has 20+ years
         experience working with 4-H horse
         programs and has volunteered to offer
         Parker Co. 4-H horse project members the
         opportunity to participate in weekly
          horsemanship meetings to help members
         enhance their general horsemanship skills
         and prepare for the County, District and
         State 4-H Horse Shows.

         We are still ironing out the details for the                   Meet Lisa Keefe!
         meeting location but hope to be offering
         these weekly project meetings soon.                  Lisa was the county leader for the horse project
                                                              in Liberty Co., TX from 2014-2020 and was a 4-H
         If you have a horse, of 4-H age, and are             Horsemanship leader in Missouri for 15 years
         interested in participating in Tuesday               prior to that.  She is also a PATH certified
         evening horsemanship project meetings,
         please complete the online questionnaire.            therapeutic instructor, teaching at Stars and
                                                              Strides Stables in Weatherford since 2020.
         ***Note*** 4-H'ers must be 8 and in the
         3rd grade (as of Aug. 31, 2022) in order to          Lisa has two adult daughters who grew up in the
         participate in the 4-H Horsemanship                  4-H Horse Project, who also live in Parker Co.
         Project Meetings.                                    and have served as 4-H horse project leaders.

            To Complete the Interest Survey                    Jennifer, her oldest, is the assistant coach for
                                                              the University of North Texas Equestrian Team
                                                              and shares an AQHA show horse with Lisa.  Both
                                                              Jennifer and her younger sister, Rachel,
                                                              competed in college equestrian teams as well -
                                                              Jennifer at Kansas State University and Rachel
                                                              at Colby Community College.

                                                              In addition to putting her daughters in the show
                                                              ring in AQHA, PtHa, APHA and USEF A-Rated
                                                              horse shows, Lisa has had success with
                                                              preparing youth for the show arena for the past
                                                              20+ years.

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