Page 24 - Parker County 4-H Connection, March 2022
P. 24
Equine First Aid Equine First Aid Kit
If you have had horses for any length of time, you know that Vet wrap (quite a few rolls)
a horse is an accident looking for a place to happen. If you Gauze pads (2x2 and 4x4)
haven't experienced this phenomenon yet, consider yourself Cast padding
lucky, and go ahead and put an equine first aid kit together Cling roll gauze
because you will eventually need it. In an equine Elasticon bandage (be very careful not to get
emergency, you should also be prepared to answer some too tight)
common questions that the vet may ask you when you're Plastic Wrap
making that after hours call. Diapers
Duct tape
Common Questions a Vet May Ask Depending on the Electrical tape
Emergency Vaseline
Temperature, rectal (99-101.5) Rectal thermometer (make sure you hold on to
Respiration rate (8-15 breaths/minute it)
Color of the gums (should be moist with a pink healthy Syringes (5,10,20,60 ml)
color) Needles (20 gauge is a good one to have on
Are there gut sounds on both sides hand)
Did the horse eat Bute
Has the horse drank Banamine (do NOT ever give in the muscle, no
Has the horse pooped and peed matter what the label says) - you can give IV or
If you give Bute or Banamine, record the amount and just squirt it in the mouth
time Epsom salt
Laceration ointment
Hopefully you will never have to experience a equine Abscess liniment
emergency, but the reality is, you probably will. Depending Safety scissors
on the severity of the injury, there is a really good chance Alcohol
that you will have to haul your horse to the vet. Please, Nitrile gloves
please, please please have a trailer. I know they're an Twitch
investment, but if you are going to take on the responsibility Stethoscope
of owning a horse, you MUST have a way to transport them 5 gallon bucket
in the event of an emergency. Betadine
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