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     A U G U S T   2 9 ,   2 0 1 9   B Y   D I N N E R   T O N I G H T
     5 Great Reasons to

     Cook with Your Kids

     By: Nimali Fernando, MD, MPH, FAAP

     When it comes to raising an adventurous eater, it

     is not just about coaxing kids to eat their veggies.
     Bringing up a child who can enjoy a cantaloupe as
     much as a cupcake takes patience and
     persistence, but it does not have to feel like a             Kneading dough, rinsing vegetables, and tearing
                                                                 lettuce all involve touching food and being
                                                                 comfortable with texture. The complex flavors we

     Kids may need to have frequent joyful                       experience when eating food come from both
     experiences involving food to overcome the                  taste sensations from the tongue AND smelling

     anxiety they may have around tasting the                    with the nose. While cooking with new
     unfamiliar. Over time, cooking with your children           ingredients, some children may feel too
     can help build that confidence—and provide rich             overwhelmed to taste. If this happens, you can
     sensory experiences.                                        try suggesting smelling a food first; this may
                                                                 provide a bridge to tasting in the future.

     Here are five ways to enjoy
                                                                 Use cooking to raise smart kids. There are so
     cooking with your children                                  many lessons that can be taught while cooking.

                                                                 Math concepts like counting, measurement, and
     while raising an adventurous                                fractions naturally unfold when navigating a

     eater along the way.                                        recipe with kids. Explaining how food changes
                                                                 with temperature or how certain foods can help
     Engage other senses. For a hesitant eater,                  our body be healthy provide great lessons in

     tasting an unfamiliar food can sometimes be                 science. While cooking with your child, practice
     intimidating. You can help your child explore               new vocabulary as you describe how food looks,

     foods when cooking using other senses besides               feels, and tastes. Following a recipe from start to
     taste. This helps to build positive associations            finish helps build the skills for planning and
     with food.                                                  completing projects.

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