Page 16 - July 2021 Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 16

4 - H   H O R S E   P R O J E C T

        Hot Nail
        A hot nail is a horseshoe nail within a sensitive area of the horse’s hoof. Hot nails will generally
        cause lameness.
        Treatments include:
           Cleaning the nail hole with antiseptic, a wash that prevents germ growth
           Packing the hole or bandaging the foot
           Providing a Tetanus booster

        Street Nail
        A street nail is any foreign object that enters the horse’s foot. Call your veterinarian immediately if
        your horse has a street nail. Treatment will depend on the location of the injury.
        Laminitis and Founder
        Laminitis is swelling of the sensitive laminae. The lamina is a connective tissue located inside the
        hoof. Swelling causes the coffin bone to rotate or sink downward within the hoof. There are several
        causes of laminitis.

        Treatments include:
           Regular shoeing or trimming
           Keeping short toes
           Keeping frog and sole support

        Navicular disease involves the navicular bone, bursa, ligamentous, and/or soft tissue structures.
        Horses affected by navicular will usually step toe-first because of heel pain.
        Causes of navicular:
           Inheritance (Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds)
           Poor conformation
           Hoof imbalance
           Exercise on hard surfaces
        Treatments include:
           Keeping a short toe
           Elevating the heels
           Having a good break over

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