Page 17 - November 2020 Parker County 4-H Connection
P. 17

N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 0

   Parker County 4-H County Council

   Date: Monday, November 2, 2020 @ 6PM
   Location: Extension Office
   You must RSVP by Noon Nov. 2, 2020
   Due to COVID guidelines, face coverings are required, no exceptions.

   All 4-H members are welcome to attend 4-H Council meetings.  They are not  limited to just club officers.  We welcome all youth to
   attend the meetings.

   Council is responsible for planning and taking the lead for some of our county-wide 4-H activities.  There are also educational
   programs at council meetings so that we may provide our youth the opportunity to increase their knowledge base in areas that
   directly affect young people.

   Parker County  4-H Parent Leader Association Meeting

   Date: Monday, November 2, 2020 @ 6PM
   Location: Extension Office
   You must RSVP by Noon Nov. 2, 2020
   Due to COVID guidelines, face coverings are required, no exceptions.

   Minutes for the meeting will be posted to the private Facebook group.  If you wish to be a member of the group click the link.  This
   Facebook group is a private group for current Parker County 4-H parents/families only.

   Parker County 4-H PLA Private Facebook Group Link

   A t   l e a s t   o n e   c l u b   m a n a g e r / r e p r e s e n t a t i v e   f r o m   e a c h   c l u b   s h o u l d   m a k e   p l a n s   t o   a t t e n d   e a c h
   P L A   m e e t i n g .     T h e   P L A   m e e t s   t h e   1 s t   M o n d a y   o f   e v e r y   m o n t h .
   Parker County 4-H Connection   | 15
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