Page 15 - November 2020 Parker County 4-H Connection
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   Parker County 4-H Livestock

                                                       Quality County Verification for Major Stock

    Upcoming District Contests                         Show Participants

    District 3 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl (link)          Exhibitor participation in the Quality County Program is required in order
                                                       to be eligible to participate in a Major Livestock Show in Texas.  We have
    Date: Monday, December 7, 2020
                                                       to record these quality counts numbers on the entry forms as well as in
    Registration:  November 4-18, 2020
                                                       the entry system.
    Register on 4-H Online (link)
                                                       The following will need to complete Quality Counts Verification before
    Wilbarger County Events Center
                                                       our spring major stock show entries in November:
    301 Wilbarger Street, Vernon TX 76384
    District 3 4-H Ag Product ID (link)                    If you are new to showing and have never completed  Quality Counts
    District 3 4-H Livestock Skill-A-Thon (link)
                                                           If you turned 11 this 4-H year (19-20) - You now have to take the
    Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020
                                                           Intermediate Level Quality Counts Verification.
    Registration:  November 16- December 1, 2020
                                                           If you turned 14 this 4-H year (19-20) - You now have to take the
    Register on 4-H Online (link)
                                                           Senior Level Quality Counts Verification.
    Goree School 301 W. Holly Street Goree, TX 76363
                                                       Please take the time to complete this verification before Nov. 9th.  I will
                                                       not jeopardize our major livestock show entries by holding up submissions
                                                       because someone didn't take the time to knock it out early.

                                                                       Click here to complete your
                                                                        Quality Counts Verification
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