Page 11 - November 2020 Parker County 4-H Connection
P. 11

Parker County 4-H Horse Project                                      N


   Upcoming District Contest                              To Blanket, or Not to Blanket, That is the

   District 3 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl (link)                  Question

                                                          Please note:  Blanketing horses is a commitment. Do not start if you're
   Date: Monday, December 7, 2020                         not willing to keep an eye on temperatures and remove the blankets if
   Registration:  November 4-18, 2020                     the day warms up.  Not removing blankets when days are warm can
   Register on 4-H Online (link)                          lead to very serious health issues.  Below is a blanketing article from
                                                          New Mexico Extension that specifically addresses blanketing.
   Wilbarger County Events Center                         When to Blanket
   301 Wilbarger Street, Vernon TX 76384                  Research analyzed the benefits of blanketing a horse to reduce the

                                                          effects of cold weather. Most horse owners blanket their horse
                                                          because of personal beliefs.

                                                          Blanketing a horse is necessary to reduce the effects of cold or
   Equine Care and Career
                                                          inclement weather when:
                                                             No shelter is available during turnout periods and the
   Exploration Workshop
                                                             temperatures or wind chill drop below 5° F.
                                                             There is a chance the horse will become wet (e.g. rain, ice,
                                                             and/or freezing rain -- usually not a problem with snow).
   Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 @ 10AM
                                                             The horse has had its winter coat clipped.
   Location: Equine Sports Medicine Clinic
                                                             The horse is very young or very old.
   RSVP Required: Click Here to RSVP                         The horse isn’t acclimated to the cold.
                                                             The horse has a body condition score of three or less.
   The Parker County 4-H Equine Care and Career
                                                          Blanketing tips
   Exploration group will be touring Equine Sports
                                                             Make sure the blanket fits. Poorly fitted blankets can cause sores
   Medicine for our next workshop.  They will be
                                                             and rub marks along the straps.
   discussing basic equine care as well as the specialized
                                                             Remove the blanket daily, inspect it for damage, and reposition
   medicine they offer our four legged athletes.  Our tour
   will also include discussions on what it takes to get in
                                                             Make sure the blanket stays dry.
   to vet school as well as the requirements needed to
                                                             Don’t put a blanket on a wet horse. Wait until the horse is dry
   work at clinic like ESMS.  Please make sure that you do
                                                             before blanketing.
   complete the RSVP by Friday, November 20th so that
   we are providing you the most up to date information
   for our tour.
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