Page 8 - November 2020 Parker County 4-H Connection
P. 8

N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 0

     College and Career Exploration

     A huge amount of work goes in to raising money for this scholarship and for the most part, that years’ worth of
     work is done by a handful of people.  If you are expecting to receive a scholarship, your work should be easily
     described as outstanding.  I have always said that you will get out of 4-H what you put into it.

     With that being said, this is not a scholarship for outstanding club involvement.  We appreciate your
     commitment and dedication to your club, and most of our clubs do offer graduating senior scholarships, but if
     you plan on applying for a Parker County 4-H Parent Leader’s Association Scholarship, you need to be seen at
     more than just club level activities.  This is not meant to be an easy scholarship to receive.  So here are some

     things you should most definitely keep in mind:

         Just because you’re a Parker County 4-H Ambassador doesn’t mean you get a free ride to the scholarship.
         Just because you’re a Parker County 4-H Council Officer doesn’t mean you’ve got the scholarship in the
         If we have never seen you at a County Council meeting, we have a problem.
         If we don’t know who you are, that’s a BIG problem.
         If you think your hard work as a younger 4-H’er will carry you through your junior and senior year.  Not going
         to happen.
         If your parents are putting more effort in to your 4-H work than you are, guess what?  Your mom and dad
         are not eligible for the scholarship and you will not be recognized for their work either.
         If you are not familiar with the Cash for Clovers Scholarship fundraiser, get familiar with it.
         If you have never helped with the Cash for Clovers Scholarship fundraising efforts, don’t waste your time

     We are not looking for the number of contests you participate in or the number of projects you are involved in.
     We are looking for the quality of 4-H work and the impact you’ve made on the Parker Co. 4-H program.  I could
     care less how many times you’ve won first place or qualified for a state contest when it comes to evaluating
     scholarship applications.

     We are huge supporters of the other youth organizations our kids are involved in.  Just keep in mind; if all of
     your work is with those organizations, then you need to apply for scholarships through them.  It is not the job of
     Parker County 4-H to award you a scholarship for your hard work in another organization.

     If you’re coming to events to help and I see a phone in front of your face because you’re too concerned about
     the next snap chat, that’s an issue!!!!

     The “I’m so cool” angsty teenage attitude, does not work here.  Unaffected and unmotivated = an Unimpressed
     4-H staff.  This is not meant to be callous or mean but this is the real world.  No matter what level of scholarship
     is received, a lot of hard work went in to raising that money, so we’re not going to take our role lightly.

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