Page 11 - January 2021
P. 11

4 - H   F A S H I O N   A N D   I N T E R I O R   D E S I G N

                                                                  Fashion and Interior Design Project Meeting
                                                             Monday, January 25 @ 6PM  at the  Extension Office

                                                                   RSVP is required CLICK HERE TO RSVP
                                                               Face coverings must be worn by all in attendance
                                                               Topics: taking measurements, selecting patterns,
                                                              selecting material and basic pattern interpretation


                                                            4-H Digital


                                                            GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                            2021 Digital Storyboard Rules and Guidelines
                                                            2021 Digital Storyboard Label
                                                            2021 Digital Storyboard Scoresheet
                                                            Uploading Instructions Coming Soon
                                                            Wakelet Resources - Digital resources to help you build
                                                            your digital storyboard.

                                                            The 4-H Storyboard is an industry-inspired method of displaying
                                                            original designs. The best storyboards create vivid visual images that
                                                            are interesting and appealing to viewers. The storyboard “tells the
                                                            story” of the designer’s idea. The storyboard includes original
                                                            illustrations and flats, as well as additional materials (such as photos
                                                            from the Internet or magazines, paper, fabric swatches, patterns, etc.)
                                                            that have influenced the unique design.

                                                            2021 DESIGN BRIEF
                                                            The following design brief serves as the direction for the 2021 Storyboards. 4-H members
                                                            should create their Storyboard around their interpretation of the design brief.

                                                            Reinventing Fashion with History - Educational Video Explanation
                                                            See how history shaped fashion through the decades; from the
                                                            roaring 20’s to the groovy 70’s, from the classic 30’s to the vibrant
                                                            80s and the fashion “mash-up” during the 2010’s. Each decade has its
                                                            own style, look at the events, music and politics that influenced
                                                            design during the different decades. This year reinvent fashion by the
                                                            events that happened in a previous decade or a decade yet to come.

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