Page 5 - January 2021
P. 5

I've   never   been   one   to   make   New   Year's
                                                                       resolutions;   not   because   I   don't   keep   them,
                                                                       honestly      because   I'm   not   that   much   of   a
                                                                       planner or that organized for that matter.

                                                                       One   thing   I   do   try   to   commit   myself   to,   is   to
                                                                       learn    at  least  one  new  thing  each  year.    For
                                                                       those   that   have   known   me   for   any   period   of

                                                                       time,   you   know   my   passion   for   creating.
                                                                        Whether it's crafts, cooking, wood work, metal
                                                                       work,   leather   work   or   beading,   I   love   it   all.
                                                                         Over  the  years,  I've  learned  these  skills  partly
                                                                       because   I'm   too   cheap   to   buy   most   of   these
                                                                       things,   but   more   so   because   my   Dad   instilled
                                                                       a  drive  in  me  to  be  a  continuous  learner.    He
                                                                       was   the   same,   always    learning   to   do
                                                                       something new.

                                                                       He   once   told   me   "never   pay   someone   to   do
                                                                       something  that  you  can  do  yourself".    My  Dad
                                                                       watches  over  me  from  Heaven  now,  and  when
                                                                       I'm   building   something   new   and   using   his
                                                                       tools,   it's   like   he's   standing   right   beside   me
                                                                       teaching me.

                                                                       If you are one to set goals for the New Year or

                                                                       make  resolutions,  you  might  consider  trying  to
                                                                       learn at least one new thing this year.

                                                                       Thank   you   all   for   being   part   of   the   Parker
                                                                       County   4-H   Program   and   I   wish   you   all   a
                                                                       Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2021!!

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