Page 18 - SPIRE MAY-AUG 2024 9th Issue Digital Flipbook
P. 18


                                PSYCHIC MEDIUM PATTY GRIFFIN                                                                                    COMEDY WITH THE DEAN, THE
                                FRI, MAY 24 @ 8PM                                                                                               QUEEN AND THE CROONER
                                $31.50 to $35                                                                                                   SAT, JUN 01 @ 8PM
                                                                                                                                                $22.50 to $25
                        Join  us  for  an  unforgettable  evening  of  love  with  Medium
                        Patricia  Griffin,  as  she  connects  us  to  your  loved  ones  on  the                                     Mike Donovan – The Dean
                        other side.                                                                                                   Mike Donovan has been a headlining stand-up comedian since
                        Patricia reads with great Accuracy, Integrity, Humor and Love.                                                the late 1970’s. Just listen to Bill Burr or Joe Rogan talk about
                        She  gives  messages  to  audience  members  from  your  loved                                                who  their  earliest  mentor  was!  He  is  also  a  freelance  writer
                        Ones  in  Spirit  as  she  receives  them.  These  messages  help  to                                         for the Boston Globe, Boston Herald and Sports Illustrated. Mike                                  SPRING-SUMMER
                        bring us Peace, Closure and Comfort and let us know that even                                                 headlines  in  Vegas  and  Atlantic  City  and  is  often  heard  on
                        though we leave our physical body, our spirit, our essence, our                                               WBZ  radio.  He  was  a  also  a  sports  talk  host  on  “The  New
                        soul  live  on.  Death  does  not  separate  love.  Love  sees  all,                                          Sports Huddle” with Eddie Andleman.
                        believes all, and never ends.                                                                                 Christine Hurley – The Queen
                                                                                                                                      Christine  Hurley  loves  what  she  does,  making  people  laugh!
                                                                                                                                      She  has  performed  several  times  at  the  Boston  Garden  for
                                                                                       ERIC LINDELL                                   Denis  Leary’s  “Comics  Come  Home”  show  that  supports  the
                                                                                   SAT, MAY 25  @ 8PM                                 Cam  Neely  Cancer  Foundation!  You  have  seen  Christine  on
                                                                                          $40.50 to $45                               Nick at Nite’s “Search for America’s Funniest Mom Contest,”
                                                                                                                                      season  9  of  the  “The  Great  Food  Truck  Race”  on  the  Food
                                             Eric Lindell, an American singer-songwriter, launched his recording career in 1996,      Network  and  “America’s  Got  Talent!”  Christine  is  the  most
                                             drawing inspiration from bands like Fishbone and Black Flag since his early teens.       booked  comic  on  the  East  Coast  and  lives  up  to  her  title  as
                                             After gigs in Northern California and a stint in New York City, he settled in New        “The Queen of Boston Comedy!”
                                             Orleans in 1999, collaborating with notable musicians like Stanton Moore and Ivan        Todd Angilly – The Crooner
                                             Neville.  Signed  by  Alligator  Records,  Lindell's  albums,  including  "Change  in  the  Todd  began  singing  at  a  young  age.  Everyone  saw  his  talent.
                                             Weather" and "Gulf Coast Highway," blend blues-rock, soul, and R&B, earning him          Todd’s  bass  tone  voice  was  requested  by  schools,  agencies,
                                             recognition  on  radio  and  TV.  With  a  style  often  dubbed  "blue-eyed  soul,"  Lindell  and sports teams all over New England. As the Official Boston
                                             continues to tour extensively, captivating audiences worldwide.                          Anthem Singer, Todd wows all types of audiences!

                                LIFE & LYRICS CONCERT & PODCAST
                                SERIES WITH CARA BRINDISI
                                THU, MAY 30 @ 7:30PM

                       Concert: 7:30PM
                       Podcast: 8PM
                       With special guest Drew Angus.
                       A performer throughout New England for over a decade and a
                       recent contestant on ‘The Voice’, Cara Brindisi is happily calling
                       Plymouth,  MA  her  new  home!  To  learn  more  about  the  local
                       music  scene  and  to  invite  some  of  her  out-of-town  favorites,
                       she  has  teamed  up  with  the  historic  Spire  Center  to  create  a
                       monthly concert AND podcast series!

                                                                                    FAT CITY BAND
                                                                                    FRI, MAY 31  @ 8PM
                                                                                          $22.50 to $25
                                                                 The  Fat  City  Band  is  a  high  energy,  7  piece,  swing,  jump
                                                                 blues & New Orleans style R&B band. Fat City has a 40+
                                                                 year legacy both locally & nationally.

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