Page 21 - SPIRE MAY-AUG 2024 9th Issue Digital Flipbook
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 THU, JUN 06 @ 7:30PM
          B Y   W O O D R O W   B A V O T A
 Mainstage  Show.  Join  us  for  an  unforgettable  evening  Sidney  Akerblom  is  a  brilliant  composer,  pianist  and  a
 featuring  the  exclusive  premier  of  ‘The  Children  of  Hinnom’—a  seriously  nice  person.  When  you’re  with  Sid,  his  upbeat,
 mesmerizing  fusion  of  jazz  and  symphony,  defying  labels  and  peaceful  nature  immediately  captivates  you.  Behind  the
 captivating audiences with its transcendent melodies. Whether  keyboard, playing his own compositions, you soon realize that
 you’re  a  jazz  enthusiast,  symphony  aficionado,  or  simply  this man is a virtuoso. Welcome, Sid, and thanks so much for
 seeking  an  enriching  musical  experience,  this  performance  taking  time  to  share  with  our  readers  a  few  details  about
 promises  to  delight  and  inspire.  Don’t  miss  out  on  Project:  yourself and your music.
 Sidney‘s unique interpretation of this original tone poem, as we
 invite you to immerse yourself in a sonic journey like no other!   Oh my goodness, thanks for having me! It is my pleasure!
          You  are  such  a  prolific  player  I  imagine  that  you  have  been
 ROOMFUL OF BLUES  playing  for  quite  a  while.  Did  you  have  anybody  musical  in
          your  family?  How  old  were  you  when  you  started  with  an
 FRI, JUN 07 @ 8PM  Instrument? Tell us about your training throughout the years.
 $35.10 to $39  My mother was a pianist, I have early memories of sitting on her
 Roomful  of  Blues,  according  to  DownBeat  Magazine,  “are  in  a  lap and banging on the keys of the piano. I think I started piano
 class  by  themselves.”  With  their  masterful  combination  of  lessons when I was 6. The next door neighbor was a professional
 jumping, horn-heavy, hard-edged blues and R&B, it’s no wonder  club organist and he started teaching me how to read music and
 why the great Count Basie called them “the hottest blues band  later on about chords and jazz. When I was about 10, I received
 I’ve ever heard.” Since 1967, the group’s deeply rooted blend of  a drum set for Christmas and my cousin played the guitar, so we  P R O J E C T :   S I D N E Y  THU, JUN 06 | 7:30PM
 swing,  rock  ‘n’  roll,  jump,  blues  and  soul  has  earned  it  five  formed  a  band  and  I  remember  writing  a  little  melody  and  we
          made a ‘song’ out of it and I was thrilled! Later I also bought an
 Grammy  Award  nominations  and  a  slew  of  other  accolades,  organ and in Brockton High School I played the tuba in band and  How old were you when you first began to compose? What was
 including seven Blues Music Awards.                            the name of your first composition and style of music?
          piano in the jazz band. It was great!!! I also learned to arrange  My father always got a kick out of the fact that when I was 6, he
          for the jazz band and wrote some charts for the band. It was a  bought  me  a  tape  recorder  and  I  made  up  and  sang  my  first
          wonderful experience. Outside of school, some classmates and I
 SATISFACTION: THE INTERNATIONAL  formed  a  rock-band,  and  played  stuff  from  ‘Blood  Sweat  and  original song, “I Don’t Want to Go to the Dentist!” (Ha, ha) I can
 ROLLING STONES SHOW  Tears’ and ‘Chicago’ and it was my job to go home and figure out  still remember the time of it! After college I started to write a
                                                                number of rockfish kind of songs with a jazz influence.
 SAT, JUN 08 @ 8PM  the horn parts and write them out. It was good training for me.
 $35      Then  I  went  to  Berklee  College  of  Music  and  I  majored  in  Sid,  you  have  been  a  working  musician  for  many  years.  You
          composition.  I  was  heavily  influenced  by  John  Bavicchi,  Herb  must have an interesting story or two about the events where
 “Satisfaction/The  International  Rolling  Stones  Show”  is  the  Pomeroy, and Michael Gibbs. Outside of school, I studied piano
 international touring tribute show to the World’s Greatest Rock  and life in general with Charlie Banocus.  you have performed.
 &  Roll  Band.  This  Billboard  &  Pollstar  highly  rated  show  are  During my last year in college I had the pleasure of working with
 entering  their  20th  year  in  production  with  over  4000  a  comic  named  Wayne  Barrows.  He  impersonated  singers  like
 performances listed to their credit. Their client list include the  Sammy  Davis  Jr  and  such.  We  played  at  the  Berklee
 nation’s  top  casinos,  performing  arts  centers,  music  halls  and  Performance Center, the Melody Tent in Hyannis, and the like.
 corporate clients. Performing up to 150 shows a year, this highly  Well,  he  knew  the  valet  for  the  Manhattans.  “Kiss  and  Say
 acclaimed  production  showcases  the  most  authentic  cast  &  Goodbye”  had  just  gone  #1  and  they  were  looking  for  a  band
 costuming of its kind.                                         leader/musical  director.  I  received  a  phone  call  in  February
                                                                asking me if I wanted to join them, but my mother said no, I had
 BETTYE LAVETTE                                                 to  graduate  first.  Well,  I  thought  so  much  for  that.  Three  days
                                                                after graduation I received another phone call and the next day I
 THU, JUN 13  @ 8PM                                             was  in  NY  working  for  the  musical  group  that  had  a  number  1
 $43.20 to $48                                                  hit!!!  I  was  only  21  and  was  traveling  through  the  states  and
                                                                touring  England  and  Europe  with  Harold  Melvin  and  the  Blue
 Bettye LaVette, acclaimed as a soul icon by the New York Times and revered
 by peers like George Jones, began her career in 1962 in Detroit. With hits on  Notes. I especially remember the first time I played at Madison
 Atlantic Records and appearances on Broadway, she's had a storied journey  Square Garden, we were with the Commodores. Then there was
 through the music industry. Her resurgence in the 2000s brought numerous  the Winter Garden with Natalie Cole, the Apollo Theatre, I could
 accolades,  including  Grammy  nominations  and  Blues  Music  Awards.  Her  go  on  and  on,  but  I’ll  stop  here!  After  I  got  off  the  road,  some
 latest  album,  "LaVette!",  featuring  songs  by  Randall  Bramblett,  showcases  time  in  the  80’s  I  played  in  rock,  jazz,  and  GB  bands  before
 her  unmatched  ability  to  make  each  song  her  own.  At  78,  with  over  six  landing a wonderful gig as the house pianist at the Ocean Edge
 decades  in  the  business,  LaVette  remains  a  vibrant  force  in  soul  music,  From left to right: Sidney with  Yahuba  Resort  in  Brewster,  which  lasted  20  years.  I  also  played  many
 performing her latest releases and beloved classics with her full band.  Garcia Torres Marty Ballou &Thomas Arey   times at the Kennedy compound for Rose, and Ted.
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