Page 40 - SPIRE MAY-AUG 2024 9th Issue Digital Flipbook
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Onsite at Spire Center for the Performing Arts, Tai-Chi and Qi Gong are rooted in ancient Asian
25 ½ Court Street, Plymouth. MA. and Virtual philosophies that perceive the balance of the universe
and merge the individual practitioner with that unity.
SPIRE SCHEDULE Tai-Chi fosters confidence and graceful body
alignment rather than power and speed. Students
learn precise movements with coordinated breathing
that develop supple physical strength, focused
TUE 5:30 - 6:30PM TAI CHI concentration, and improved memory. Because its
techniques relax both body and mind, Tai-Chi restores
vitality. At the same time Tai-Chi is useful for personal
WED 9 - 10AM QI GONG sports and dancing.
Qi Gong evolved from Tai-Chi and incorporates its
focus on precise movement, but Qi Gong utilizes a less
FRI 9 - 10AM WEAPONS intricate sequence of motions. Variations of Tai Chi
include performance weapons—sword, fan, and broad
sword—that add challenging extensions to the
SAT 9 - 10AM TAI CHI motions. Another variation is push hands which is
done with a partner.
SAT 10 - 11AM PUSH HANDS & In Master Fang's Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong classes both
TAI CHI veteran students and newcomers benefit together. As
beginners learn the first motions, the more advanced
students continue to perfect their forms. Each class
*Individual private or group lessons are nurtures students’ potential for achieving personal
available. Please call Master Fang. harmony.
Asian Crane Tai Chi, LLC.
Tai Chi & Chi Gong with Fang Association
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