Page 43 - SPIRE MAY-AUG 2024 9th Issue Digital Flipbook
P. 43


 Susan has painted using a variety of mediums all
 her life. Over the past years she has concentrated
 her artwork in pastel paintings. She has taken
 several classes through the North River Art Society  The  Spire  is  thrilled  to  bring  you  the  7th  year  of  memberships  for  2024!  We  are
 with Donna Rossetti Bailey, Laurinda O’Connor,  incredibly grateful for all those who have purchased memberships in the past three
 Nancy Colella and Ed Chesnovitch.
           years. Your support has helped us to add beautiful new seating and air conditioning in
 In addition to classes, Susan has participated in  our balcony! By purchasing The Gold Pass, you are helping The Spire Center grow and
 workshops given by nationally know pastel artists:
 Liz Hayward Sullivan, Alain Piccard, Tony Alain,  expand,  while  continuing  to  create  a  calendar  of  memorable  performing  arts
 Marla Baggetta, Ken Elliot, Jean Heron and  entertainment for all to enjoy. There are also some benefits specifically for you:
 Christine Ivers.

 Her work has been accepted and shown in many
 New England juried art shows. She has won  Gold Pass 2024 – $100
 awards for her work from:
 Massasoit Arts Festival,
 Cape Cod Art Association,  Advance notice of show
 North River Art Society
 Pastel Painters of Cape Cod  announcements
 Connecticut Pastel Society  Ability to purchase tickets before the
 Falmouth Art Center  general public

 You can view more of her work at the Wright  Discounted tickets on most shows
 Gallery, Kenebunkport, ME
               throughout the year
 Susan is currently a gallery artist at South  Special members only events
 Shore Art Center in Cohasset, MA
               15% off at Cork + Table – 23 Court

               Street, Plymouth, MA 02360
               Special package deals on select

               Your membership starts today and

               ends one year to the date!

                      BECOME A MEMBER TODAY!

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