Page 27 - Phil Connections Magazine 4-2021 (1)_Neat
P. 27
Kara McEachern
Director of Operations
If you’ve ever had a ticketing question or concern,
chances are Kara McEachern resolved your problem. We work hard to keep you
As director of operations, Kara oversees the day-to- protected and happy.
day functions of the Phil’s administrative office at 116
Court Street in Plymouth, as well as the box office at “Absolutely awesome
all concerts and events. personal service!
I highly recommend
“I love my job and am grateful to play a vital role at Hannon-Murphy”
the Phil,” says McEachern. “The customer’s experience —Laura D.
begins well before the concert hall--ensuring it’s a
Visit us at:
positive one is the most important part of my job.” 54R Samoset Street, Plymouth
To this end, Kara has been working to implement
a turnkey system to enhance the ticket buying
experience for customers. Migrating data,
streamlining processes, and building customer
profiles are just some of the behind-the-scenes tasks
related to this new system.
“I’m excited to see how these improvements make
ticket buying easier for our concertgoers,” says
McEachern. “Technology makes things better as long
as the tools are easy to use. That’s the goal.”
In addition to her lifelong appreciation for music
and performance, Kara brings over 15 years of
administrative experience. A graduate of Wagner
College with a degree in arts administration,
McEachern joined the Phil in 2017 as office manager 781.826.6163
and expanded her skills and responsibilities to Fax 781.829.8819
include concert operations. 781.826.6163
Outside of her Phil life, Kara enjoys directing and 575 Washington Street
Fax 781.829.8819
singing in her parish community, teaching voice Pembroke, MA 02359
lessons, watching (and occasionally singing the 575 Washington Street
national anthem for) the Boston Bruins and enjoying Pembroke, MA 02359
family time with her husband, Michael, and two
young daughters.