Page 18 - Phil Connections Magazine 3-2021v2_Neat
P. 18


                                                                                           What is a


                                                                                          SEE PAGE 11


        Phil Concertmaster Ana-Maria LaPointe’s musical  I was 5 years old at the time. Another favorite is
        roots stretch across three generations.  Ana-           listening to my parent’s concerts while sitting in
        Maria, her parents, and her grandparents are  the audience all by myself. The way the “George
        professional musicians.  Born in Romania, Ana-          Enescu” concert hall is built, it has two rotundas
        Maria started violin at the age of 5 and her mother  on each side of the stage that were allocated for
                                 was her first violin teacher.  orchestra members to use. I remember that there

                                 I remember when I had to  were secret ways of getting to the stage from the
                                 go from the elementary  downstairs lockers and as a young child that was
                                 school into the middle  a lot of fun. Another memory is listening to my
                                 school,  my  parents  asked  parent’s rehearsal and dancing in the audience
                                 me if I wanted to pursue  (there was nobody there and I believe I was maybe
                                 music into the middle and  8 years old). I was so happy. By the time I was in
                                 high school.  At the time I  high school, I would walk directly from school to
                                 was interested in math and  my parent’s hall and sit and listen to their rehearsal
                                 music.  Even though it was  while doing homework.
                                 a hard decision to make, I     You started music at age of 5. What is your
                                 followed my heart. I loved     approach to teaching students today? Is it
                                 playing my violin then and I
                                 love playing my violin now.    different today from when you were learning?

        Outside her work with the Plymouth Philharmonic,        I  incorporate  the  way  I  was taught into  my
        Ana-Maria teaches violin, plays for the Lexington       teaching using the traditional and Suzuki method.
        Symphony and Symphony New Hampshire, and                My philosophy is to take each student as a unique
        spends time with her young daughter.                    individual. Each student has their own personality
                                                                and I always try to model the way I teach each a

        With a family legacy of professional musicians,         little different. Growing up, as a beginner, I practiced
                                                                at least 2 hours per day and had private lessons
        what are your earliest memories of music?               almost every day. By the time I was in high school

        I have so many wonderful memories that I treasure.  I had private lessons with two different university
        My earliest memory is of my mother Valentina  professors on top of my regular lessons provided
        teaching me how to hold the violin and the bow;  by the music high school.

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