Page 12 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v6
P. 12


      This past year, the PPL Foundation received an outpouring of
      support from our local business community, led by our long-time
      partner Tech Etch, located in Plymouth’s Industrial Park.

      Tech-Etch is a proud sponsor of the Plymouth Public Library Foundation
      and the Plymouth Public Library. We were delighted to have an
      opportunity to interview VP of Engineering, Plymouth resident and
      patron of the Library, Kerry Kearney about Tech-Etch and all the ways
      they love their Library.

      Q: As a company whose impact is  in the medical, aerospace, defense
      felt globally, why is it still important  and energy sectors would not be
      to act locally in this community?   possible if libraries and schools didn’t
                                          invest in and foster knowledge and
      KK:  As  we’ve evolved  into  an    education. Our Plymouth, Fall River
      employee-owned company, I think     and Litchfield, MN employees make
      we’ve become especially community   great things happen, and we’d never
      conscious. Most of us that work     be able to do that without a diverse
      in Plymouth also call this town our   learning community that developed
      home.  We’re  the  second  largest   our collective skills. At Tech Etch we
      employer in Plymouth, and we’re     like to say that we’re “innovating a
      working really hard to make a       better world, one part at a time”. We
      difference and to demonstrate our   can’t do this without institutions like
      company values. Our employee        schools and libraries, who, I think,
      owners take pride in the small and   “develop great minds, one person at
      large things we do, from metal      a time”.
      plaques on the waterfront to long-
      term support of the Beth Israel  Q: Did you attend Taste of the
      Deaconess’s medical imaging center.  Town? What did you like about the
      We also want our neighbors to know  fundraiser?
      that Tech Etch is a great place to
      work.                                KK: I couldn’t make it this year, but
                                          I’ve attended at least a dozen times.
      Q: What connects a public library  This event is exciting because you
      to defense, engineering, energy,  can really feel the community ties.
      and your other lines of work?       Plymouth has lots of great events
                                          that draw huge crowds, like the
      KK: Among other things, the public   waterfront festival and the parade,
      library represents the shared body of   but  Taste  of  the  Town  feels  much
      knowledge of our society. The high   more intimate. Almost all attendees
      tech work we’ve been doing at Tech   are fully engaged locals and the
      Etch is built on the bedrock of that   vendors are genuinely excited to
      body of knowledge. The work we do   connect with them.

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