Page 11 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v6
P. 11

been part of this event since it first  and Justine
       launched. Others, like Lobsta Love  from Lobsta
       and Artisan Pig, are young busi- Love,    two
       nesses joining us for the first time.  s e a f o od
       Some have deep roots in Plymouth,  vendors,
       like Fedele’s Chocolates or Plentiful  know  that
       Catering, best known as the cater- fishing,  like
       ers for Plimoth Patuxet Museums.  the Library,
       Others are come-from-aways, like  has employed generations of Plym-
       GPub’s new West Plymouth enter- outhians, and in Ashley’s words,
       tainment center or Hess Vineyards,  these Plymouth staples “look after
       joining us from California. No mat- one another”. Peter Balboni, CEO
       ter their stories, all these businesses  of Pioppi’s, reminisced fondly about
       were here to celebrate the Library  his boyhood days at the Library, and
       and the community that has grown  Andrew from Artisan Pig described
       up with and around it.            the fun that the Library offers to the
                                         family he is raising here.
       As “yours truly” went from table
       to table, I asked every ambassador  Overall, the central theme of the
       and business owner, “What con- night was that attendees love their
       nects your business to the Library?”  Library because it is a place of com-
       Some  gave playful  answers:  Alicia  munity. Once the books are back
       and Stephanie from Fedele’s Choc- on the shelves and the wine bottles
       olates likened a library to a wide  have run dry, the connections you
       assortment of sweets, as “there’s  foster and the knowledge you gain
       something in it for everyone.” Oth- endure. Every sip and savor at Taste
       ers were more scholarly, like David  of the Town supports this Library,
       from Plimoth Patuxet. He and his  your Library. We can’t wait to share
       team use the primary sources and  with you our next projects that Taste
       nonfiction amassed by the library to  of the Town helped us to fundraise,
       learn more about history (even if he  like  our  technology  upgrades  and
       freely admitted that the bites he of- new community programming. We
       fered, delicious as they were, would  are looking forward to next year’s
       have been utterly alien to the 17th  Taste of the Town, and until then,
       century Wampanoag and their Puri- we’ll see you at the Library!
       tan neighbors). Ashley from Wood’s

                              Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2023 Issue     11
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