Page 6 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v6
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Thank You PIDC
2022 marks ten years since the Library, the PIDC entrusted us with
Plymouth Industrial Development their legacy of community building
Corporation (PIDC) dissolved, but its and lifelong learning. We are proud of
legacy to Plymouth’s economy and our past and excited for the future.
culture continues on. Founded in
1962 during a shaky economic period Just as we were
for the town, the PIDC assembled the wrapping up work
sharpest fiscal talents of a generation on this newsletter,
to shepherd Plymouth’s economic we received word
transition into the 21st century. The that one of PIDC’s
PIDC’s dedication to community is founders, a former
evident in their numerous charitable Library Foundation
works to the town’s historic and Trustee and longtime friend,
cultural institutions, our Library Edward Santos, passed away. Ed
included. left behind a beautiful family and
an unrivaled legacy of generosity
The PIDC’s parting gift of $75,000 to the Town of Plymouth. We
to the Plymouth Public Library has were honored to be among his
funded the technological upgrades biggest fans and will remain forever
Library visitors enjoy, and we owe grateful for his wisdom, guidance,
them a special debt of gratitude compassion, and fun loving spirit.
for the new library computers. By
supporting the Plymouth Public
The Pods
The Foundation at Work
Reserve Yours Today!
Too much noise at home? Need a quiet place for your
next online meeting or conference call? Thanks to your support,
The Foundation was able to partner with the Library to provide two
Meeting Pods for our patrons. The Meeting Pods are located on the
first floor of the Library. If you haven’t had a chance to try them
out – we encourage you to do so! These are peaceful, sound-proof spaces
that ensure privacy for important interviews or much-needed quiet
during study sessions. These will only prove more vital in our hybrid
online/in-person professional world, and we are proud to be part of the
solution for our hard-working patrons.
For now, there are only two pods, so be sure to book your appointment in
advance by calling the Reference Department or online at
6 Plymouth Public Library Foundation