Page 2 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v6
P. 2

Dear Friend:

       On behalf of the Board and staff of the
       Plymouth Public Library Foundation, best
       wishes to you, your friends, and family for       FOUNDA TION
       a happy, healthy New Year. Believe it or
                                                              Bill Petrillo
       not, the Foundation’s origins date back                PRESIDENT
       to the late 1800s! Since then, our role
                                                             Judy Fosdick
       has been to support Library services by              VICE PRESIDENT
       providing access to funding to expand
                                                              Deb Etzel
       the number of free enrichment programs                 TREASURER
       and develop opportunities for improved
                                                             Maria Bishop
       access to resources. Today, we have three                CLERK
       part-time staff and a Board dedicated to
       working alongside Library staff to increase           Patti Anklam
       awareness of the many riches that can be             John DelCampo
       found here – both on site and online.                Stephanie Fry
                                                           Howard Gorney
       With the holidays behind us and winter in            Jeff Grossman
       full swing, it may be hard to believe, but         Katherine Kowaloff
       spring really is right around the corner! If         Svetlana Lyons
       you are in doubt, I encourage you to visit             Bev Ness
       the Library and “check out” a plant from              Erica Tavares
       the cutting garden or hydroponic station,
       grab a pack of seeds from the seed catalog           Anne C. Phelan
       or simply peruse our calendar of events and
       plan to attend one or all of the spectacular        Debbie D’Isabel
       programs that prove that the Plymouth
       Public Library is in fact growing!                   Katie Kearney
                                                          EVENT & VOLUNTEER
       This year, we successfully launched an               COORDINATOR
       Annual Sponsorship Program and are                  Katherine Lynch
       extremely grateful to the eight local                   INTERN
       businesses that immediately signed on               All proceeds support the
                                                            Plymouth Public Library
        Top Left to Right:  Bev Ness,                     through the Plymouth Public
        Stephanie Fry, Patti Anklam,                       Library Foundation, a tax
     Katherine Kowaloff, Svetlana Lyons                    exempt organization under
          Bottom Left to Right:                           section 501(c)3 of the federal
           Bill Petrillo, President,                       tax code. Contributions are
            Maria Bishop, Clerk,                          tax-deductible to the fullest
        Judy Fosdick, Vice President,                       extent allowed by law.
            Deb Etzel, Treasurer
         Missing:  John DelCampo,                            Kelsey Casey
       Howard Gorney, Jeff Grossman,                       LIBRARY DIRECTOR
               Erica Tavares
                                                             Kate Gomes
      2     Plymouth Public Library Foundation
                                                      ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR
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