Page 2 - PPL fall 2023 newsletter flipbook_Neat
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Greetings friends, volunteers, donors and
       Thanks to you, FY23 has been a year of growth
                                                          FOUNDA TION
       and success for the Plymouth Public Library
       Foundation.                                            Bill Petrillo
       We welcomed many new supporters into                  Judy Fosdick
       our Annual Appeal Campaign as well as the            VICE PRESIDENT
       Foundation Guild Society. We are also thankful         Deb Etzel
       to all our sponsors that stepped up to support
                                                             Maria Bishop
       the Foundation and the Library.
       Because of all your support, and some hard            Patti Anklam
       work by Foundation staff, Library staff and          John DelCampo
       volunteers,  we were able to enhance and             Stephanie Fry
       expand Library community services, invest in        Howard Gorney
       technology such as the Library’s new Privacy         Jeff Grossman
       Pods, continue our support of the Library’s        Katherine Kowaloff
       State recognized Literacy Program, support           Svetlana Lyons
       several historical preservation programs,              Bev Ness
                                                             Erica Tavares
       provide Art Gallery showings, purchase large
       print books and take initial steps towards the       Anne C. Phelan
       renovation of the Dr. Richard M. Schiff garden.        DIRECTOR
                                                           Debbie D’Isabel
       Best of all, we love hosting and seeing you            MANAGER
       all at our various events throughout the year,
                                                            Katie Kearney
       including our annual Arts & Crafts Festival,       EVENT & VOLUNTEER
       Taste of the Town, Tee It Up for Literacy,           COORDINATOR
       Garden Tour, music and cultural programs.             Emily Reilly
                                                       ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
       From the Board of Directors, and Foundation
                                                             Anna Daley
       staff – Thank you for continuing to think of            INTERN
       us and support us! Best wishes to you in the        All proceeds support the
       coming year.                                         Plymouth Public Library
                                                          through the Plymouth Public
                                                           Library Foundation, a tax
                                                           exempt organization under
                                                          section 501(c)3 of the federal
                                                           tax code. Contributions are
       Bill Petrillo                                      tax-deductible to the fullest
                                                            extent allowed by law.
       President, Plymouth Public Library Foundation
       Board of Trustees                                     Kelsey Casey
                                                           LIBRARY DIRECTOR
      2     Plymouth Public Library Foundation               Kate Gomes
                                                      ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR
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