Page 4 - PPL fall 2023 newsletter flipbook_Neat
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First Annual

                Garden Tour A Success

      The Plymouth Public Library Foundation was delighted to present its
      First Annual Garden Tour, designed to highlight gardens in our area
      that all use sustainable practices – from raising heirloom and native
      plants, bees, and chickens to composting to enrich the soil. Each of
      the six gardens were bursting with color and each property owner
      was on-hand to share their knowledge and expertise with attendees.
      The event sold out quickly with over 300 attendees!

      The Library showed its colors too thanks to Crystal Lake Garden
      Shop and Morrison’s Home & Garden who bedecked the building
      with blooming plants and shrubs leading guests from the library’s
      front door to the Dr. Richard M. Shiff Garden. Once in the garden,
      guests received their program for the day, listing all the gardens and
      a snazzy illustrated map to follow in any order they pleased.

      Guests could wander among Sustainable Fair organization vendors
      and sponsors who were on-hand with displays, educational materials
      and information about garden practices that could be put in place
      at home. The atmosphere was festive as attendees visited the
      Library’s new Community Garden, met with vendors, attended floral-
      arranging demonstrations, and got ready to start the tour!

      Five local gardeners opened their homes to our tour-goers and
      at each stop there was a special feature such as a mini spiral herb
      garden, whimsically trimmed shrubs, glorious border beds filled
      with pollinator plants,  a German cottage garden, and large, thriving
      vegetable beds bordered by tall sunflowers.
      Guests enjoyed perfect summer day weather, many wearing
      pastel-colored clothing and fanciful hats. They appeared to be as

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