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      Julie Burrey

      Reference Associate

      Interview By: Anna Daley

      What is your position at the Library:

      Julie: I am the Reference Associate with a specialty in local history
      and archival work.

      What is your favorite part of your job?
      Julie: I love the Archives and have fun discovering what we have
      here. My favorite collection is the Plymouth souvenirs. We have a
      huge range of objects - postcards, maps, games - after all Plymouth
      has been a tourist town for a long time.

      Do you have a most memorable moment with a
      patron that you can share?
      Julie: Yes! Recently, I received a call from a woman who was in the
      area visiting with family. She said she was doing some research for
      a friend and wanted to use the Bartlett History Room. I told her
      to meet me at the Reference Desk and I would take her up to the
      History Room to get her started. She came in the front door and I
      knew her immediately. It was my neighbor from the town I grew up
      in Connecticut who moved to Florida over 40 years ago! She was
      able to gather some information for her friend and we had a great
      time catching up!

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