Page 6 - Wildlands Trust fall newsletter
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We are proud to highlight a sample of our 2024 projects
made possible thanks to the generosity of our members.
Protecting Land at Risk • Facilitated the Town of Avon’s acquisition of 30 wooded acres
adjacent to the 700-acre D.W. Field Park on the Avon/Brockton
Acquired the eight-acre
Hartwell Family Preserve • Protected six properties totaling 207 acres through CPA
in Pembroke, which abuts Conservation Restrictions in Kingston, Duxbury, and Rehoboth
270 acres of town-owned • Led an ambitious effort to map the lower Jones River corridor as
land along Pudding Brook, part of a climate change risk assessment
a North River tributary • Awarded a grant from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal
Zone Management to complete a habitat restoration plan in the
Acquired 90 acres in Plymouth, Duxbury, and Kingston Bay Area
Bridgewater with one mile
of river frontage on the • Launched discussions with Holtec International over the
protection of 1,500 acres in Plymouth, the site of the former
Taunton River
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant
Stewarding Land for People and Wildlife
• Launched an ambitious, multi-year restoration project at Willow Brook Farm • Led 30 weekly volunteer projects, generating over 500
in Pembroke, our most visited preserve. Upgrades include new recreational volunteer hours for regional land stewardship
infrastructure and grassland habitat restoration.
• Expanded the Adopt-a-Preserve program to 86 volunteers,
resulting in 326 monitoring visits to Wildlands preserves
• Trained 20 new stewardship volunteers at the Stewardship
Training Center
• Supported the management of conservation lands
in Duxbury, Hanover, and Stoughton, and launched
a partnership with Avon, through our Community
Stewardship Program
Hosted and trained 23 Sierra Club volunteers at the Stewardship Training
Center to assist our Willow Brook Farm restoration project
Connecting People with Land • Led and hosted 10 training
programs and engaged
more than 400 people
in programs and retreat
• Led and collaborated on 38 public programs, including opportunities at the
guided hikes and scientific presentations Stewardship Training Center
Trained new
volunteers • Grew our social media
to lead and E-News audiences to
public hikes over 11,000 people, who
throughout the receive regular updates
region Hosted a 50th Anniversary about Wildlands’ work and
Celebration and Spring Open House conservation issues across
that brought together over 500 the region
6 regional conservation supporters