Page 9 - Wildlands Trust fall newsletter
P. 9
$72,000 Raised for
Willow Brook Farm Willow Brook Farm, Pembroke
Time and time again, Southeastern Massachusetts communities “I grew up taking walks in Willow Brook Farm,” said donor Katrina
have “walked the walk” when their beloved natural sanctuaries Delaney. “I donated so that my daughter and future generations
need our help. This summer, the region received its latest will be able to do the same!”
test—and passed with flying colors. Thanks to an outpouring
of community support, Wildlands Trust raised nearly $72,000 Thank you to all who have donated or volunteered in support
to upgrade Willow Brook Farm in Pembroke, far surpassing our of our campaign. Stay tuned for updates as our work continues.
campaign goal.
“Campaigns like this highlight the full scope of our committed
Wildlands supporters,” said Wildlands President Karen Grey.
“Willow Brook was an ‘all hands-on deck’ project that brought
together foundations, donors, staff, businesses, and volunteers
to accomplish an important project.”
Wildlands protected Willow Brook Farm in 1997, thanks to a
generous gift from South Shore philanthropists Herb and Paulie Sierra Club
Emilson. Since then, thousands have explored the preserve’s volunteers
help Wildlands
167 acres of field, forest, and wetland habitat. Now, Willow staff replace a
Brook Farm needs upgrades to bolster its safety and value for boardwalk at
future generations. Improvements include replacing extensive Willow Brook Farm
boardwalks and bog boards, removing invasive plants, repairing in Pembroke.
the parking lot, improving trail signage, and building covered
picnic tables.
Our $60,000 fundraising goal was lofty, but the generosity of Wildlands Awarded 2025 Grants
an anonymous donor put it within reach. The donor agreed to
provide twice the amount of every donation under $500 and Protecting coastal habitat
match all others, up to $40,000.
In August, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone
Wildlands wasted no time seizing this remarkable opportunity. Management awarded Wildlands Trust a Coastal Habitat and
Fundraising efforts included “Dog Day,” when photographer Water Quality Grant to complete a habitat restoration plan
Drew Lederman provided pet portraits at Willow Brook Farm; in the Plymouth, Duxbury, and Kingston (PDK) Bay Area. The
a kayak raffle made possible by Billington Sea Kayak and the project will use digital mapping and other methods to identify
Friends of IndieFerm; and a Women’s Woodworking Workshop, opportunities to protect coastal habitat, particularly salt
where participants built planters out of reclaimed wood from marshes, from sea level rise. Formation of the PDK Bay Coalition
Willow Brook Farm boardwalks. We also received donations will bring together local leaders and experts to lead plan
in honor of “Trail Guy” Malcolm MacGregor, whose memory development, coordinate municipal efforts, and share resources.
continues to advance conservation across the region.
Our stewardship staff and volunteers have already made
remarkable progress toward many proposed upgrades. In Growing urban tree canopies
August, 23 volunteers from across the country and world helped In July, the Massachusetts Greening the Gateway Cities Program
us at Willow Brook Farm as part of a Sierra Club “volunteer (GGCP) contracted Wildlands Trust to advance urban tree
vacation.” planting in Taunton and Brockton. Wildlands will promote the
free tree program to residents and businesses in environmental
In total, we received 151 donations from the public, with justice neighborhoods, where denser tree cover can reduce
94 percent falling under $500—a testament to the diverse energy costs, beautify communities, improve air and water
community support for Willow Brook Farm. 9
quality, and protect residents from heat waves and floods.